Jimmy Fallon Puts A Cheeky Festive Twist On Trump’s Bad News In Colorado

Jimmy Fallon is getting into the holiday spirit.

“Well, everyone, it is the holiday season, Christmas is almost here, and people are already returning gifts,” he opened his monologue on “The Tonight Show” Wednesday. “In fact, last night, Colorado returned Donald Trump.”

He was referring to the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling on Tuesday that Trump cannot appear on the state’s 2024 presidential primary ballots.

The decision was based on a clause of the 14th Amendment that prohibits anyone who swore an oath to protect the Constitution and then engaged in insurrection against it from holding office.

“Yeah, they banned him from the ballot,” Fallon said. “If Trump ends up winning in 2024, don’t be surprised if Colorado suddenly becomes East Utah.”

He added, “Before last night, Trump thought the ‘insurrection clause’ was one of those Tim Allen movies on Disney+.”

Watch below on “The Tonight Show.”
