Jimmy Kimmel Awards Withering Prize To Trump Over Israel Remarks

Jimmy Kimmel ripped Donald Trump on Thursday over what he called a “doozy of a speech” in which the former president addressed Hamas’ attack on Israel “by attacking Israel.”

“He said Hamas would never have gone into Israel if his election hadn’t been rigged, he called Israel’s defense minister a ‘jerk,’ he did some axe grinding about [Benjamin] Netanyahu and had some complimentary words about Israel’s enemies in Lebanon,” said Kimmel in a look at Trump’s Wednesday speech.

“He’s really angling for that Nobel ‘piece of shit’ prize,” the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” host continued.

Trump, who is running for president again in 2024, told supporters in West Palm Beach that the Israeli prime minister “let us down,” claiming Netanyahu pulled out of a joint operation between Israel and the U.S. to assassinate Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani in 2020. He also called Hezbollah, a militant group based in Lebanon and backed by Iran, “very smart.”

“Poor Eric, Trump never said he was smart,” joked Kimmel about the former president’s son.

Trump’s remarks led White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates to slam the former president over his “dangerous and unhinged” statements while GOP presidential candidates and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ripped what he called an “absurd” move by Trump.

Kimmel also pointed to a statement from Shlomo Karhi, Israel’s minister of communications, who said that Israel doesn’t “have to bother with” Trump and the “nonsense he spouts.”

“Unfortunately, we do have to bother with it,” Kimmel quipped.

You can explore the rest of Kimmel’s monologue in the video below.
