Jimmy Kimmel Finds The Perfect Prison Job For Trump To Use His 'Gifts'

Jimmy Kimmel thinks Donald Trump might have a potentially great career waiting for him — in prison.

Kimmel noted an Easter message from former President Barack Obama wishing a “blessed” holiday to those who celebrate and calling it a “chance to hug our loved ones and give thanks for new beginnings.”

Trump’s message began with a “happy Easter” and then quickly devolved into an all-caps attack on “WEAK & PATHETIC RINOS, RADICAL LEFT DEMOCRATS, SOCIALISTS, MARXISTS, & COMMUNISTS WHO ARE KILLING OUR NATION.”

“What a warm and lovely man he is,” Kimmel cracked.

But the late night host also spotted an opportunity for Trump, given the criminal charges he is facing in New York and potentially elsewhere.

“Instead of making license plates in jail, they should have him write greeting cards,” he suggested. “I think that would be a better use of his gifts.”

See more in his Monday night monologue: