Joanne Peh & Qi Yuwu to marry soon

Joanne Peh & Qi Yuwu to marry soon

31 May - Since their romantic relationship was revealed earlier this year, speculation is rife that MediaCorp actor Qi Yuwu and actress Joanne Peh are in the midst of preparing for their marriage.

The couple was spotted strolling at the Orchard Road shopping belt last Saturday around 7am. They were also seen having meal together in the vicinity. Peh also reportedly bid farewell to Yuwu's relatives the next day at Changi Airport.

Informed sources revealed that Peh had met her boyfriend's relatives from China, adding that Qi's family members were flanked by their "soon-to-be daughter-in-law" every time they went outside for shopping.

This meant that Qi has officially introduced Peh to his family, and there may be a future 'meet-the-parents' session which may touch on the issue of their marriage although the appearance of Qi's parents in Singapore is still unconfirmed.