Jordan confirms first case of coronavirus: state media

AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan said on Monday a man who had flown in from Italy had tested positive for the new coronavirus, the first case confirmed in the country, state news agency Petra reported.

The Jordanian citizen had flown back nearly two weeks ago on a plane with around 100 passengers, health minister Saad Jaber told a news conference.

The man was quarantined at his home with strict controls on his movement and was in "stable" condition, Jaber said.

Another Jordanian was under close observation, the minister added.

Italy, the European country worst affected by the outbreak so far, has recorded 34 deaths and 1,694 cases.

Last week, Jordan's state carrier Royal Jordanian suspended flights between Amman and Rome until further notice and reduced flights to major Asian destinations.

(Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Alex Richardson and Andrew Heavens)