Josephine Tewson dead: Keeping Up Appearances and Last Of The Summer Wine actress dies age 91

Sitcom star Josephine Tewson has died age 91  (BBC)
Sitcom star Josephine Tewson has died age 91 (BBC)

Josephine Tewson, best-known for her roles in Keeping Up Appearances and Last Of The Summer Wine, has died aged 91, her agent has confirmed.

Ms Tewson died on Thursday night at Denville Hall, a retirement home for actors in Northwood, London.

A statement from her agent, Jean Diamond, of Diamond Management, said: “It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Josephine Tewson.

“Josephine passed away peacefully last night at Denville Hall at the Age of 91.”

Born in Hampstead, London, Tewson regularly appeared in sketches alongside comedians Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker in Hark At Barker and Frost On Sunday.

She was best-known for her roles as Elizabeth Warden in Keeping Up Appearances and Miss Davenport in Last Of The Summer Wine.