Josh Hawley Busted After Using Fake Founding Father Quote To Push Religious Agenda

Sen Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is under fire for a Fourth of July tweet that managed to include both a false claim and a false quote.

Hawley tweeted a quote he claimed to be from Founding Father Patrick Henry saying the United States was founded “on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Just one problem: Henry ― a slave owner perhaps best remembered for his “give me liberty or give me death” quote ― never said it.

Hawley tweeted:

The United States was not founded as a Christian nation ― the First Amendment makes that clear ― and Henry, while deeply religious, didn’t say anything of the sort.

Nor did any of the other Founding Fathers.

The quote is actually from a 1956 magazine article that discussed Henry’s faith.

Hawley, a self-appointed expert in manliness who saluted the Jan. 6 mob with a fist pump only to flee those same rioters hours later, was called out on Twitter: