Judi Dench Stuns Radio Host With Mortifying FaceTime Moment Involving 007 Co-star

Oscar winner Judi Dench had BBC radio host Zoe Ball howling earlier this week over the time she accidentally video-called fellow actors while naked in the bath.

Dench only wanted to send a happy birthday message to her friend, the actor Chris Logan, while he was out walking with her former “James Bond” franchise co-star Ben Whishaw, the British actor explained.

But she inadvertently ended up FaceTiming the pair instead.

Dench explained, “I got into my bath and I thought ‘Oh, I must send Chris Logan the happy birthday’, so I picked up my phone and I pressed and I said, ’Chris, happy, h… and I just saw these two people turn and…”

Dench mimicked the pair gasping.

“Well, it was FaceTiming them,” she told Ball with perfect comedic timing. “I don’t know about FaceTime. Poor Chris.”

“Poor Chris and Ben Whishaw,” laughed Ball. “What a birthday message!”

Watch the exchange here:
