Julien Kang Proves Innocence by Receiving Negative Results on Drug Test

Julien Kang received negative results on the drug test run by National Institute for Scientific Investigation, acquitting all suspicion on drug use.

Show Brothers Entertainment stated on October 1, “On September 30 at 5:30 p.m. (KST), after the National Institute for Scientific Investigation carried out a detailed examination for drug use, the drug test was found negative.”

CEO Kim Sang Eun from Show Brothers stated, “Julien Kang struggled a lot internally from this incident,” adding, “Julien Kang is a hard working and good-hearted person. He has been deeply regretting about drinking more than he can handle and making a mistake. But we hope that he will no longer be hurt from speculative articles.”

CEO Kim added, “We would like to apologize to all the fans for making them worry. On the other hand, we felt greatly supported by the fans’ trust. We would like to thank you for your generous understanding.”

Julien Kang was walking down the street in Yeoksam-dong on September 25 at around 3 a.m. (KST), intoxicated, when he was moved to the police station nearby due to the citizens’ report. He was reportedly wearing only underwear and an undershirt when he was found.

Julien Kang stated through his agency, “I am ashamed for having caused a controversy with disgraceful behavior. I apologize to all the fans who have been trusting me and I will not make the same mistake again.”

Photo credit: enews

Reporter : Ko Hong Ju (kohongju@cj.net)
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