The Kardashians Lash Out at Kylie Jenner for Making Private Plane Turn Around Over a “Bad Feeling”

a group of people sitting on a couch
In Which Kylie Makes a Private Plane Turn AroundHULU

The Kardashians brought production along on their family skiing trip in Aspen, and cameras captured a pretty tense moment thanks to Kylie Jenner somewhat randomly deciding to turn their private plane around...which I’m gonna assume is the rich person version of turning the car around midway through a road trip?

Kylie’s flight anxiety began when the captain suggested dropping the Kardashians off at an alternate airport due to bad visibility, which would have involved everyone driving three hours to Aspen.

“I don’t think that is safe,” Kylie told her family. “I don’t like to drive in the snow. Last time I was in Aspen, there were three crashes just around on the streets, my assistant crashed, my security crashed. I am just saying I don’t want to drive three hours in the snow. I’m here, I’m ready and I’m packed, I’m not going to Grand Junction.”

The reality star went on to explain, “I’ve been having a really bad feeling for the last two days...I couldn’t even sleep last night,” adding, “I don’t like this series of events. I feel like I have to go. I think I’m going to get off.”

a group of people sitting on a couch

Meanwhile, her sisters were not having it. “Kylie, the fact that you even put that out in the universe is one of the weirdest things. You are not supposed to speak it into existence,” Kendall said, going on to tell cameras that this is “part of a pattern” and that Kylie “thinks she can get away with whatever.” “The fact that she always gets out of this shit is very f*cking annoying,” she added.

Kim then said, “It is always fucking like this,” while Khloé commented, “So you are going to leave your whole family and let them die? Why would she leave her mom, her sisters, but she’s that worried about herself?”

I mean...points were made!

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