Kathy Griffin continues to troll Elon Musk on Twitter despite suspension

Comedian Kathy Griffin was suspended from Elon Musk's Twitter after impersonating the CEO.
Comedian Kathy Griffin was suspended from Elon Musk's Twitter after impersonating the CEO. (Photo: Getty Images)

Kathy Griffin continues to taunt Elon Musk on Twitter despite being suspended from the app. How? By tweeting the new Twitter CEO from her dead mother's account.

Griffin was kicked off the social media platform over the weekend for impersonating Musk, but she maneuvered her way back online thanks to her mom Maggie. Maggie, a fan-favorite on My Life on the D-List, passed away in 2020. Maggie's Twitter account hadn't been active since 2019 — until Sunday night. Kathy started tweeting from "TipItMaggieG" and has relentlessly gone after Musk the past 24 hours.

"Elon, this is Maggie contacting you from the spirit world tell u…you're a douchebag. This is not parody. This is the actual ghost of Kathy Griffin's boxed wine loving mother saying I'm gonna get tipsy & throw my bingo cards at you! NOT A PARODY," Griffin wrote on Monday.

Musk previously declared that "comedy is now legal" on Twitter since his $44 billion acquisition, but the Tesla founder doesn't find it funny when people mock and impersonate him. Over the weekend, the entrepreneur said "any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying 'parody' will be permanently suspended."

Griffin changed her photo and name to match Musk's profile and was tweeting as him ahead of the midterm elections.

"After much spirited discussion with the females in my life, I've decided that voting blue for their choice is only right. (They're also sexy females, btw.) #VoteBlueToProtectWomen!" Griffin wrote as "Musk."

Sarah Silverman, Valerie Bertinelli and Mad Men alum Rich Sommer followed suit and changed their profiles to match Musk's. As of Monday, Sommer's account is still suspended while Silverman is back operating as herself.

Some celebrities are leaving Twitter on their own accord. Whoopi Goldberg called Twitter a "mess" and said on Monday's The View she's leaving the platform "today."

"I just feel like — it's so messy and I'm tired of now, having had certain kinds of attitudes blocked, and now they're back on. I'm gonna get out and if it settles down and I feel more comfortable, maybe I'll come back. But as of tonight, I'm done with Twitter," Goldberg declared.

Gigi Hadid announced on Instagram that she deactivated her account as Musk slashed Twitter's workforce. The model wrote that Twitter is "becoming more and more of a cesspool of hate & bigotry," adding, "especially with its new leadership."

"I can't say it's a safe place for anyone, not a social platform that will do more good than harm," Hadid noted.

Toni Braxton, Shonda Rhimes and Sara Bareilles have also departed the blue bird app.

As for Musk, he seems to be ignoring the #FreeKathy requests. Instead, he's urging his nearly 115 million followers to vote "for a Republican Congress" in the midterm elections.

MORE: Elon Musk bans parody accounts