Kelly Clarkson Shocked by Bad Letterboxd Reviews of Her Favorite Movies: ‘Who Had a Bad Review of Elf?!’ | Video
“The Kelly Clarkson Show” released a video of the singer-turned-host reacting to bad Letterboxd Reviews of her favorite films on Saturday — and most notably, Clarkson was stunned to discover people hate one movie in particular. As she asked at the beginning of the video, “Who had a bad review of ‘Elf’?!”
Clarkson was also surprised to learn that there are people who dislike “Avengers: Endgame.” As she put it, “Not everything has to be ‘Shawshank Redemption,’ whatever.” She comforted herself about the fact that the reviewer gave the movie half a star, noting, “They’re still doing all right.”
The next movie to be destroyed by reviewers: 1998’s “You’ve Got Mail.” Clarkson actually agreed with a reviewer who pointed out that the premise of the movie, about rival bookstore owners who develop an online relationship as Tom Hanks’ business crushes Meg Ryan’s, isn’t actually that wholesome. “You know what, Maya?” Clarkson said. “It is pretty messed up.”
“It’s kind of like Belle and the Beast, you know, ‘Beauty and the Beast,'” she continued. “Like, what, you kidnap her basically, imprison her … it is kind of weird.”
The third movie reviewers took issue with is the holiday classic itself, “Elf.” Clarkson appeared genuinely surprised to learn there’s anyone that hates the movie. After reading one review that said the movie is “too much syrup, sweet and stupid,” she asked, “Do you like Christmas?”
“It’s a fun movie,” Clarkson added. “It’s just a fun movie.”
Watch Kelly Clarkson getting in her feels about Letterboxd reviews of these movies and more in the video above.
The post Kelly Clarkson Shocked by Bad Letterboxd Reviews of Her Favorite Movies: ‘Who Had a Bad Review of Elf?!’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.