Kevin McCarthy Offers Crappy Defense Of Trump Toilet Pic

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) attempted to slam a lid on the controversy of former President Donald Trump allegedly keeping sensitive documents in a bathroom at Mar-a-Lago.

However, many Twitter users thought the excuse was a bunch of crap.

When the indictment against Trump was unsealed on Friday, people noted a photo that appeared to show boxes and boxes of documents stacked up in a bathroom and shower in the Florida estate’s Lake Room.

The documents were allegedly moved to the restroom in April 2021 at Trump’s request.

Although many people were shocked at the idea of the former leader of the free world allegedly storing classified documents next to a toilet, McCarthy offered a dubious defense on Monday.

After a reporter asked the House speaker if it was “a good look for the former president to have boxes in a bathroom,” McCarthy tried to spin things by referencing President Joe Biden’s own handling of sensitive information, saying: “I don’t know. Is it a good picture to have boxes in a garage that opens up all the time? A bathroom door locks.”

Of course, McCarthy left out another big difference: Biden returned the documents in question when asked, whereas Trump allegedly sought to prevent the return of classified material.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) told CNN he was a little puzzled at McCarthy’s line of argument.

“Well, it’s the first I’ve seen that particular defense, but is he suggesting that these boxes of classified documents got up and locked the door after people left the bathroom?” Raskin chuckled. “I’m not quite sure I follow the logic of it.”

Many folks on Twitter weren’t impressed by McCarthy’s logic either, especially since garages come with locks as well.
