Kilbride boarding house killer given 6 years for slaying

Dwayne Ginn was sentenced Thursday to six years in prison for manslaughter. With mandatory parole and time served, he'll be out of jail in a little over two years. (Darryl Murphy/CBC - image credit)
Dwayne Ginn was sentenced Thursday to six years in prison for manslaughter. With mandatory parole and time served, he'll be out of jail in a little over two years. (Darryl Murphy/CBC - image credit)

A St. John's man who killed a fellow resident of a Kilbride boarding house was handed a six-year prison sentence for the slaying.

Dwayne Eugene Ginn appeared briefly in Supreme Court on Thursday to hear his fate. Ginn had originally been charged with second-degree murder but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter last fall.

Ginn appeared calm as Justice Valerie Marshall described how he had stabbed the unarmed, 41-year-old victim, Mark Hamlyn, then fled the scene rather than stay to help him.

Marshall also noted several mitigating factors, including that Ginn had "clearly expressed remorse," co-operated with police and has engaged in programming while in custody. She also noted he hadn't started the fight with Hamlyn but responded to Hamlyn's physical attack with far too much force.

Ginn was given two years and eight months' credit for time already served, meaning he'll spend a little more than two more years behind bars before he's released on statutory parole.

Ginn was arrested at a bar on George Street in June 2022.

A day earlier, police were called to Hennessey's Guest Home in response to a violent incident that occurred between Ginn and Hamlyn, both residents of the boarding house at the time.

Hamlyn died from his injuries shortly after being taken to the hospital.

At the time, the owner of the boarding house, Ray Hennessey, told CBC News he had urged Ginn to seek help about two weeks before the altercation.

Hennessey said he had grown concerned about Ginn's mental state during his stay, which lasted about three months. Hamlyn, an auto body technician, had been living at the boarding house for about three years.

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