King Charles Shares Birthday Tribute to Granddaughter Princess Charlotte on IG

King Charles is taking time from his pre-coronation festivities to celebrate one of his five grandchildren.

Today, the 74-year-old monarch shared a photo on the royal family’s official Instagram account. The picture was reposted from Prince William and Kate Middleton’s page, and it featured a never-before-seen photo of Princess Charlotte.


King Charles (or rather his social media team) added a special GIF that read, “Happy birthday!”

The photo was taken by Princess Catherine, who moonlights as an amateur photographer, in honor of Charlotte’s eighth birthday on May 2. The picture featured Princess Charlotte sitting in a white wicker chair and wearing a white dress with colorful flowers. The photo was seemingly taken while she was moving, based on the movement of her hair and hands.

The caption of the post (which was originally shared on the eve of her bday) read, “Wishing Princess Charlotte a very happy birthday! 8 tomorrow [balloon emoji] [cake emoji].”

Royal fans filled the comments section with celebratory messages. One person wrote, “My goodness, already 8?? Happy Birthday.” Another added, “Just perfect mom photographer!!!”

It didn’t take long for us to notice the uncanny resemblance between Princess Charlotte and her parents. Everything from her brown hair to her cheeky smile was reminiscent of her parents. Don’t believe us? Check out this photo that Prince William and Princess Catherine released for their 12th wedding anniversary.

Next up: coronation weekend.

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