Kosovo and Germany arrest four terrorism suspects

PRISTINA (Reuters) - Kosovo police said on Friday they had arrested three people on terrorism charges and a fourth was arrested in Germany on an international arrest warrant issued by a Kosovo court.

In a statement, the police said three arrests were made in two Kosovo towns after months of investigation involving Kosovo's intelligence agency. Police confiscated two weapons, ammunition, a car with foreign registration and electronic equipment.

The statement gave no details on whether the suspects were planning attacks.

Earlier this month, Kosovo arrested two people, including a Belgian national of Kosovo origin, suspected of planning attacks on NATO troops stationed as peacekeepers in the Balkan country.

Kosovo authorities say some 300 Kosovo nationals went to Syria to fight for Islamic State. More than 50 have been killed but others are seen as possible security threats if they return.

In May, a Kosovo court jailed eight men for plotting to attack the Israeli national soccer team in Albania in a World Cup qualifying match in 2016.

(Reporting by Fatos Bytyci; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)