Kunming attack should not be an ethnic issue: China official

An injured man is pushed at a hospital after a knife attack at Kunming railway station, Yunnan province, March 1, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer

BEIJING (Reuters) - A deadly knife attack at a Chinese train station last week should not be linked to ethnicity, a senior government official said, days after authorities blamed the incident on separatists from the country's troubled far western region of Xinjiang. China says militants from Xinjiang, home to a large Muslim Uighur minority, launched a "terrorist" attack in the southwestern city of Kunming, killing at least 29 people and injuring about 140. It was one of the worst bouts of violence to spill out of the restive region, where more than 100 people, including several policemen, have been killed in unrest since last April. Fear and resentment between majority Han Chinese and Uighurs have spread after the attack, said Zhu Weiqun, the chairman of the ethnic and religious affairs panel of the top advisory body to parliament, which meets this week in Beijing. "Such sentiments - although not widespread - deserve our attention," Zhu told the official China Daily, adding that the "overwhelming majority of the migrant Uighurs from Xinjiang are good people". "Most Uighurs are with us in the fight against separatism and violent terrorism," he said, in an interview in the English-language newspaper published on Thursday. "They sincerely support the central government." The comments highlight Beijing's concern over the growing frictions between Uighurs and Han Chinese and the potential for further unrest. After the Kunming attack, many residents voiced ethnic concerns to Reuters reporters and some businesses and hotels displayed signs turning away Uighurs. Online accounts have described growing discrimination against Uighurs, ranging from their evictions from apartments to refusals by taxi drivers. Police in the Yunnan city of Dali were forced to apologise on an official microblog for helping to evict a Uighur man from his apartment after being called in for an identity check on Sunday, the popular Global Times tabloid reported. Beijing has not explicitly accused Uighurs of carrying out the Kunming attack, but by calling the perpetrators Xinjiang extremists the implication is clear. State media have reported that a female suspect was injured and captured in the attack in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, which is hundreds of miles southeast of Xinjiang, and that three suspects, including another woman, had been caught. Four were shot dead. Many Uighurs say they are unhappy at Chinese curbs on their culture and religion, though the government says they are given wide freedoms. China bristles at suggestions from exiles and rights groups that the unrest is driven more by unhappiness at government policies than by any serious threat from extremist groups who want to establish an independent state called East Turkestan. Authorities say many have links with foreign groups, although rights groups and some foreign experts say there is little evidence to support this. Chinese authorities should stop using the attack to carry out "extreme propaganda" and "incite racism", Dilxat Raxit, a spokesman for key exile group the World Uyghur Congress, said in an emailed statement late on Wednesday. (Reporting by Michael Martina; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)