Labour’s Rachel Reeves promises stability for Scottish businesses

Labour will provide Scottish businesses with stability, Rachel Reeves has promised, as she pledged to “give them the tools to succeed”.

Speaking ahead of a visit to a Scotch whisky bottling plant on Tuesday, the shadow chancellor said the party is committed to working in partnership with businesses to break down barriers to growth.

According to analysis by Scottish Labour, the number of registered businesses in Scotland has dropped by more than 6,000 since 2020.

Ms Reeves said: “After 14 years of Tory economic chaos and decline, businesses across Scotland need stability and a partner in Westminster that can give them the tools to succeed.

“With Labour, businesses in Scotland will have exactly that.

“Our plans will turn the page on Tory economic failure and kickstart economic growth right across the country, creating good jobs and the right conditions for investment.

“Business cannot afford five more years of Tory chaos – Labour will ensure that businesses can get on and do what they do best while generating growth in the economy once again.”

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said: “For too long Scottish workers and businesses have been failed by Tory and SNP economic turmoil – but change is possible.

“A Labour government will be pro-business and pro-worker, working in partnership with businesses to create wealth and deliver growth.

“There is no shortage of opportunities in Scotland – we have an iconic international brand, immense natural resources, and there is talent and skills in every corner of the country.

“Labour will work to unlock the full potential of every Scottish business – this is an opportunity for change that we cannot afford to miss.

“Every vote for Scottish Labour is a vote to make sure we boot out this dysfunctional Tory government, back Scottish business and put Scotland’s voice at the heart of a Labour government.”