Labour's Corbyn is someone we can do business with on Brexit - Conservative lawmaker Letwin

British Conservative Party MP Oliver Letwin walks outside the Houses of Parliament in London, Britain, March 28, 2019. REUTERS/Hannah McKay/File Photo

LONDON (Reuters) - Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn can be trusted to work with Prime Minister Theresa May on Brexit, Conservative Party lawmaker Oliver Letwin said on Wednesday.

"I think he is somebody that we can do business with," Letwin, the architect of a series of votes on alternatives to May's Brexit deal, told BBC radio.

"If we can find common ground in a way that fulfils the referendum mandate, preserves jobs and security and preserves the union, we will have a way forward that when we look back on it, we will all be proud to have participated in," he said.

(Reporting by Elisabeth O'Leary and William Schomberg; Editing by James Davey)