Lara Trump Admits She'd Happily Be Her Father-In-Law's Vice President

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of former president Donald Trump, said on her podcast that she’s open to also being his vice president should he be reelected.

She made the admission on a recent episode of her podcast, “The Right View with Lara Trump,” after a viewer asked her if she would accept the position of being her father-in-law’s running mate, assuming he actually asked her.

It should be noted that she has no political experience outside of working on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, though she did briefly consider running to be Senator of North Carolina in 2022.

But Lara Trump didn’t let little things like experience, qualifications, and, uh, self-awareness get in the way of considering the possibility.

“Well, I’m flattered that you put me in such a category,” she said, before answering the question affirmatively. “Obviously, the answer would be yes. Would anyone turn that down?”

Although Lara Trump noted there’s “a whole host of people out there who are vying for that position,” she said she’d take the gig if offered, but added, “The only drawback would be that I would have to move to Washington, D.C.”

She also pointed out that her selection would raise eyebrows.

“By the way, just imagine the hysteria — Trump, Trump — two Trump’s running together,” she said. “Oh, my God, the liberal heads across the country would simultaneously explode all at once. People would go bananas.”

You can see the exchange below.

Lara Trump may be willing to be Donald Trump’s vice president, but many people on X, formerly known as Twitter, weren’t as enthusiastic about two Trumps in the White House.
