'Large crowds' expected at city dragon boat race

Teams racing on the water in their dragon boats
About 50 teams will be taking part on Saturday's Dragon Boat Race at Peterborough's Rowing Lake for Sue Ryder [Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice ]

Thousands of pounds are expected to be raised for a local hospice at the annual Peterborough Dragon Boat Festival.

The city's rowing lake is gearing up for the event on Saturday, which is now in its 24th year.

Funds raised will go to Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice, with more than £42,000 raised at last year's event.

More than 40 experienced and amateur teams will be competing in ornate vessels over the 200m racecourse, which is expected to attract large crowds of spectators.

Nilesh Patel, senior community fundraiser at Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice, in Peterborough, said: “The Peterborough Dragon Boat Festival is a big event in our annual calendar and each year it never fails to impress with its fantastic atmosphere and incredible community feel.

“As well as the races, which are expected to be watched by several thousand spectators, there will be plenty of fun, music, and entertainment for all the family to enjoy.

“We are extremely grateful for the streams of support we receive year on year."

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