Lashana Lynch's eyelashes fall out when she gets stressed

Lashana Lynch's eyelashes fall out when she gets stressed credit:Bang Showbiz
Lashana Lynch's eyelashes fall out when she gets stressed credit:Bang Showbiz

Lashana Lynch's eyelashes fall out when she gets stressed.

The 36-year-old actress admitted that her "working-class" background makes her determined to say yes to all opportunities but she has had to be more conscious of taking time for herself too.

She explained to Elle UK: "I’m a radical energy protector: I don’t play when it comes to protecting my time, my peace and myself. If I need to take time, you won’t hear from me. I’ve had pressurised moments in my life that have forced me to pull back. I have to take a holiday or else my eyelashes will start falling out – and I love my eyelashes!

"I’m someone who believes I can do absolutely anything. I don’t ever want to feel like the person that can’t do the thing. So, the more I’m encouraged that you can do the thing and also have peace and tranquility [the better].

"Coming from a working-class environment, you feel, ‘If I don’t continue going on this train, it’s all going to fade away. I wouldn’t have anything, I wouldn’t have any money, I won’t be able to come back into the industry.’ But, really, if you take a step back and give yourself time, you’re able to reenter the space with more energy. The to-do list is ticked off, but also my heart isn’t racing, because I know that I was able to give myself enough time to be me."

Lashana - who counts fellow stars such as Naomie Harris among her close friends - also revealed that she always "gravitates towards" other women on set.

She said: "I found that if there are any women on set, even just one woman, I’ll gravitate towards them, and see how we can become a team. I learned early on [that if people aren’t] answering your questions, feel free to ask again."

Speaking about her friendship with Naomie, she said: "It didn’t take much for us to just look across the room and be like, ‘We’re in this.’"