Lawrence O'Donnell Says Lindsey Graham's Riot Threat Puts Him In This Bad Place

Lawrence O’Donnell on Monday declared that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) had hit “rock bottom” and there was no cure for him after the lawmaker threatened “riots in the streets” if former President Donald Trump were to be indicted. (Watch the video below.)

Trump is being investigated for harboring classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home since he left office.

“Lindsey Graham has hit rock bottom,” the MSNBC host said on his show. “Rock bottom is the sad term that AA uses for the spot where people who drink too much have to find themselves before they can help themselves or be helped. But there is no cure for what has sunk Lindsey Graham to his own very dangerous rock bottom.” Graham was “threatening the deaths of others,” the anchor added.

O’Donnell slammed Graham for what he believed was a dishonorable first.

“No senator in history has ever predicted or threatened riots in the streets if a friend of that senator was prosecuted,” O’Donnell continued, per Yahoo. “The so-called friend in this case is Donald Trump, who is an actual friend to no one, as Lindsey Graham so tragically knows.”

O’Donnell reviewed Graham’s shifting allegiances with Trump and noted that even Trump’s followers are mostly peaceful and would not resort to political violence.

“Lindsey Graham is also lying about Trump supporters, and he is insulting them,” O’Donnell said, according to Yahoo. “If Donald Trump is indicted, 74 million Trump supporters will do exactly what they did when Donald Trump lost the election: nothing.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
