Leader of Canada's opposition party distances self from anti-abortion comment

Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer speaks to the media as he launches his election campaign in Trois-Rivieres

By David Ljunggren

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The leader of Canada's main opposition Conservative Party on Thursday distanced himself from comments by a candidate opposing abortion, remarks that could hurt his chances with women voters in an Oct. 21 election.

Andrew Scheer, trying to defeat Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, insisted he had no plans to reopen the abortion debate if he won the election.

"Nothing on this issue has changed for our party. We have always made it very clear ... that a Conservative government will not reopen this issue," Andrew Scheer told a televised news conference in Toronto.

Trudeau kicked off the election campaign on Wednesday with polls showing him only slightly ahead of the Conservatives.

Women voters are particularly important for the Liberals. A Mainstreet poll conducted for the iPolitics website late last week showed 41.2% of women backed the Liberals with only 29.4% favoring the right-of-center Conservatives.

There are few restrictions on abortion and the Conservatives have traditionally steered clear of the topic, fearing they could alienate progressive voters. In Canada, unlike in the United States, abortion has not been a major political issue.

Scheer made his remarks after the Liberals circulated a video showing Rachel Willson, a Conservative candidate in Toronto, saying she was shocked at the lack of limits on abortion.

Liberal cabinet minister Carolyn Bennett, writing on Twitter, asked "Is the abortion debate really closed, Andrew Scheer?" and noted he had decided to start his Toronto campaign alongside Willson.

Trudeau did not attack Scheer directly, telling reporters in British Columbia that every Liberal candidate would "defend women's rights unequivocally."

Scheer accused his opponents of fear-mongering in a bid to deflect attention from "their scandals and corruption."

Last month, a top watchdog ruled Trudeau had breached ethics rules by pressuring the former justice minister to ensure a major construction firm would avoid a corruption trial.

In brief remarks, Willson said she had never made a secret of her views on abortion but would be focusing on issues that united Canadians.

Polls show affordability is one of the main issues worrying voters and Trudeau announced that if reelected, the Liberals would introduce a 1% tax on non-resident non-Canadians to help prevent foreign speculation from driving up housing prices.

Trudeau will skip a debate hosted by Macleans news magazine that starts at 8 p.m. eastern time (midnight GMT) although Scheer and other party leaders will attend.

The Liberals were forced to charter a new campaign plane after the bus carrying reporters following the campaign scraped the wing of Trudeau's Boeing 737. Party officials said the travel schedule would not be affected.

(Additional reporting by Kelsey Johnson in Ottawa; Editing by Marguerita Choy and Steve Orlofsky)