Leanne Maiden to take part in The World's Toughest Row across the Atlantic Ocean

A mum-of-two is hoping to inspire her sons to do "ambitious, crazy things" as she gets set to cross the Atlantic Ocean as part of The World's Toughest Row race.

Leanne Maiden, 42, will begin her 3,000-mile solo row on Wednesday.

After setting off from La Gomera in the Canaries, she'll then spend more than 80 days alone at sea as she makes her way to Antigua in the Caribbean.

She will subject herself to sleep deprivation, salt sores, physical extremes, and the psychological challenges of the open ocean.

Her husband and two sons, Blair, seven, and Ruaridh, eight, will be cheering her on from home in Scotland.

Ms Maiden said turning 40 and the COVID lockdown may have inspired her to take on the challenge.

She added: "I'd never previously considered doing anything like this until now.

"It will be incredibly sad to leave my children and my husband, but very few kids can say their mum rowed the Atlantic Ocean.

"We'll miss each other, but I hope it will inspire them to do ambitious, crazy things themselves."

Ms Maiden, who lives in Bearsden in East Dunbartonshire, hopes to become the first South African woman to achieve the feat.

Only 34 solo women are believed to have attempted the challenge.

The osteopath will be raising money for three charities - The Polar Academy, Women's Fund for Scotland and The Mabel Foundation - and has collected more than £5,000 already.

Ms Maiden had originally planned to row as a pair, but her partner pulled out just a few months ago.

Ms Maiden, who moved to Scotland 20 years ago, said: "Aside from the physical and mental challenge of rowing an ocean, I will also be facing the challenge of social isolation.

"I have never lived alone and I'm not even sure I have ever spent more than 12 hours in my own company.

"I have an incredible family and amazing friends and the thought of spending up to 85 days with nothing but my own thoughts feels like it could be very uncomfortable indeed.

"But when I consider the inescapable discomfort that so many people around the world experience on a daily basis for their entire lives, my discomfort pales into insignificance."

More than 20 of her friends and family are planning to welcome her at the finish line.

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Ms Maiden's trip is being sponsored by Wolfcraig Distillers, and director Jamie Lunn was in La Gomera last week helping her to pack her boat.

He said: "She's a very special person; so incredibly resilient and inspiring. We can all learn a lot from her.

"We're proud to be part of Leanne's journey, especially given the charities she is raising funds for, and will be cheering her on every painful mile of the way."