Lebanese army arrests terrorist suspects over links to soldier shooting

BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Lebanese army on Wednesday said it had arrested four people in connection with the fatal shooting of a soldier and the wounding of a second on Sunday at a military installation in northern Lebanon. Four people were arrested in dawn raids in Beqaa Safrin, the town where the attack took place, and weapons used in the shooting were seized, an army statement carried by the state National News Agency said. An army source said the men were Lebanese and belonged to an Islamic State terrorist cell. Northern Lebanon has seen a number of security incidents in recent years, especially near the Syrian border, often in a spillover from the civil war in the neighbouring country. The army often fires at suspected jihadist militants in the border area around the town of Arsal, about 60 km (40 miles) southeast of the Lebanese city of Tripoli. (Reporting by Lisa Barrington; Editing by Louise Ireland)