LGBT+ activists hack London tube and bus adverts with stories of Palestinians

The Dyke Group hacked over a hundred posters across tubes and bus stops in London (The Dyke Group)
The Dyke Group hacked over a hundred posters across tubes and bus stops in London (The Dyke Group)

A group of LGBT+ activists have hacked over a hundred posters on tubes, buses and billboards across London.

The Dyke Group, targeted bus stops near LGBT+ venues across London on Friday. Posters also appeared on the Victoria line and London Overground.

The ad hack comes after almost 600 LGBTQ+ individuals and organisations from around the world, including the Dyke Project, signed an open letter last week “in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement”, urging all governments “to demand an immediate ceasefire and to restore aid into Gaza through any possible routes”.

Queer Palestinians shared their experiences of being in love in the Gaza strip (The Dyke Group)
Queer Palestinians shared their experiences of being in love in the Gaza strip (The Dyke Group)

The posters take testimonies from the website Queering the Map accompanied by a message of solidarity.

Queering the Map is a community-generated digital map of queer experiences. On the platform, LGBT+ people from across the world share their experiences in anonymous geotagged posts. Over recent weeks, stories from Palestine have been shared widely across social media.

Posts shared on the posters include:

“I’ve always imagined you and me sitting out in the sun, hand and hand, free at last. We spoke of all the places we would go if we could. Yet you are gone now. If I had known that bombs raining down on us would take you from me, I would have gladly told the world how.”

“I adored you more than anything. I’m sorry I was a coward.”

One poster reads: “If I had known that bombs raining down on us would take you from me, I would have gladly told the world how I adored you more than anything.
One poster reads: “If I had known that bombs raining down on us would take you from me, I would have gladly told the world how I adored you more than anything." (The Dyke Group)

The posters, which were near venues Dalston Superstore, the Glory, Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club, and Zodiac, as well as in New Cross and Hackey are up for the next few days.