Li Chun 2022: Auspicious time for money deposit and spring cleaning
It is once again the time of the year to check your Chinese zodiac forecast, prepare for the Chinese New Year, and take notes on auspicious to-dos before the new year.
Li Chun, which signifies the beginning of Spring, is the first day of the Chinese solar calendar. Generally an auspicious day, it will fall on the 4th of February this year. In Asia, it has become a tradition to deposit money into your bank account during this day to garner good wealth fortune for the new year.
According to Yuan Zhong Siu Feng Shui Consultancy, some zodiacs will get more than one auspicious timeslot this 2022.
Take note: 5am to 7am is the best timing for those born in the year of the Rabbit, Goat, Dog, and Pig, while Rat, Monkey, and Rooster will get their auspicious timing from 7am to 9am. For those born in the year of the Tiger, Goat, and Dog, you will be able to head to the bank to deposit money during your lunchtime as the auspicious time is 11am to 1pm for these zodiacs.
If you want to avoid crowds or if your auspicious timing falls during your working hours — Snake’s only timeslot is during working hours from 9am to 11am, and Dragon’s auspicious timing is from 3pm to 5pm — try online banking or asking friends who are free during that time to transfer money to you.
However, before you head off to the ATMs for Li Chun, it is believed that cleaning your house before the new year will help to remove negative energies in your environment.
Way Fengshui shared some auspicious dates that are believed to aid in cleansing your environment and inviting positive energies into your life.
The 20th of January is a great day for spring cleaning for all zodiacs except Rabbit, while the 25th of January suits all except those of the Monkey zodiac. Both 27 and 28 Jan dates are great days to throw out unwanted furniture and declutter your space, but they will clash with those of the Dog and Pig zodiac, respectively.
If you really do not have time to spring clean until the very last minute, the 31st of January is the last day for you to do so for all except those born in the year of the Tiger.
After you have decluttered your space, you will be ready for Chinese New Year, which falls on the 1st of February, and all good for Li Chun on the 4th of February!