A big Lies of P update just nerfed a bunch of bosses, including the one that killed me the most, and now I have to redo my whole build

 EMBARGO Lies of P demo.
EMBARGO Lies of P demo.

Lies of P is just a few weeks old but it's already dropping some hefty balance changes. Developer Neowiz has made it clear that things don't have to be stupidly brutal, nerfing several bosses and buffing many stats and abilities in its latest update.

Update dropped today, September 27, on Steam and PlayStation - with the Xbox version releasing as soon as it clears Microsoft's testing - and the patch notes on Steam confirm significant changes in the player's favor. Three bosses have been nerfed, for starters, with Fallen Archbishop Andreus, the King of Puppets, and one spoilerific boss having their total HP reduced. That same spoiler-tastic boss has also had its damage decreased and is now easier to stance break, and I'm actually a smidge bummed by this.

I'm not a difficulty elitist or anything, and I've praised how player-friendly Lies of P truly is. It's nice to see a Soulslike openly say that harder doesn't equal more fun. But having beaten Andreus and the Puppet King already – with Andreus killing me more than any other boss so far – I would've liked the chance to fight peak power Spoiler Man. Oh well. If they had to nerf him, I'm sure he's a leg-breaker anyway. And here are some Lies of P tips for those struggling with other aspects of the game.

Additionally, "certain" normal enemies have had their HP reduced, are now easier to stagger, and stay staggered for longer. The health of Dimensional Butterflies, which are basically stand-ins for Dark Souls' Crystal Lizards, has also been reduced across the board. I really appreciate the butterfly change, because some of those things are absurdly tanky.

Item drops have been adjusted, too. The Star Fragments previously cluttering up many drops – which are useless if you aren't summoning allies regularly, and absurdly plentiful even if you are – will be less common, and you'll get more upgrade materials and XP drops in their place. Speaking of summoning: ally Specters will now deal more damage and spawn with more health.

Boss nerfs aside, the biggest singular change in the update is this: "Players will now be able to carry more weight for each point spent on Capacity." Capacity basically increases your equipment load, and it's an incredibly important stat not just because you have two weapon slots to think about, but also amulets and four puppet components that affect your build and defenses.

I've already reset my build to get exactly enough Capacity to support my current loadout while keeping my weight just below 80% to ensure a decent dodge roll, and between this Capacity change and accompanying weight reductions for the game's best amulets, I'm going to have to respec once again. Good news for buildcrafting anyhow.

Weather the challenge with our Lies of P best builds guide and the best Lies of P weapons.