Linda Hamilton Says She's 'Done' with “Terminator ”Franchise: 'The Story's Been Told'

"I have nothing more to say," the actress, who played Sarah Connor in three of the movies, insisted

<p>Yuichi Yamazaki/Getty ; TriStar Pictures/ Courtesy: Everett Collection</p> Linda Hamilton

Yuichi Yamazaki/Getty ; TriStar Pictures/ Courtesy: Everett Collection

Linda Hamilton

Linda Hamilton is "done" playing Sarah Connor.

The 67-year-old starred as the character in The Terminator (1984), before returning for Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and eventually starring in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019). Hamilton chose not to star in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), Terminator: Salvation (2009) and Terminator: Genisys (2015).

Despite her Terminator return four years ago, Hamilton recently insisted she isn't interested in starring in a potential reboot of the popular franchise.

"I'm done. I'm done. I have nothing more to say. The story's been told, and it's been done to death," she told Business Insider.

"Why anybody would relaunch it is a mystery to me. But I know our Hollywood world is built on relaunches right now," Hamilton added.

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The Dante's Peak star also shut down any suggestion of Sarah Connor being "an icon."

"I truly feel like, and felt like, Sarah Connor is not an icon. She's a woman in hell. She makes some really bad choices. She's not a good mother, she's a good fighter!" she said.

"So you sort of try to parse the details out and go 'Well, they respect her strength and her power, and I did create a warrior, but she's very imperfect. She's an imperfect person.'"

Hamilton went on to joke about fans comparing her to her Terminator character, insisting she doesn't spend her time fighting cyborg assassins from the future.

"So it was hard to sort of come to terms with all that and then just go, 'Okay, I can accept it,' because I've heard it now for so many years, people actually treat me like I saved the future," Hamilton said.

"If you could see how utterly hapless I am during my life and my daily life! But it's pretty cute, and I have no complaints, it's delightful," she added.

The Terminator
The Terminator

Related: Linda Hamilton Says She Trained (and Ate No Carbs!) for a Year to Get Back in 'Terminator' Shape at 63

This isn't the first time Hamilton has spoken about being "done" playing the character. In 2020, she told The Hollywood Reporter that she “would be quite happy to never return” to the franchise.

Hamilton's comments came after 2019’s Terminator: Dark Fate took in $261 million at the worldwide box office. Tim Miller directed, while James Cameron, who directed the first two films, produced.

In 2022, Cameron said another Terminator film was "in discussion." While speaking on the Smartless podcast, he said at the time, “If I were to do another Terminator film and maybe try and to launch that franchise again, which is in discussion, but nothing has been decided... I would make it much more about the AI side of it than bad robots gone crazy,” The Playlist reported.

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