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'Living with your parents in your 20s core': TikToker shares the quiet comforts of living in childhood home

Living with your parents is a whole different vibe when you’ve entered adulthood, but that’s not to say it’s all bad. In fact, for many people in their 20s who’ve returned home while looking for jobs or saving up for the future, it’s honestly kind of amazing.

One viral TikTok is highlighting the quiet joy (and sweet financial comfort) of being under your parents’ roof again after living on your own. And let’s just say, it’s definitely striking a chord with other twenty-somethings who can relate.

“living with your parents in your 20s core,” the video text reads, while the song “Sara” by Jefferson Starship begins to play in the background.

Then, as she sits on the couch sipping wine, TikToker @tulevech pans over to her parents — who are wrapped up in blankets and sound asleep — before showing what they’re watching on TV: the local news traffic and weather update.

“why does this feel like a sitcom intro,” the TikToker writes in her caption, before adding in a comment, “sundays are exciting because we get to watch the last of us.”

It’s clear from her commentary that @tulevech is making light of her living situation and that she knows it’s not exactly riveting stuff. But after getting more than 4.7 million views on TikTok, most people watching see nothing wrong with her sweet set-up. (And some are even a bit jealous.)

“Honestly it’s kinda comforting tho?” one user wrote in the comments.

“Here’s to saving money,” added someone else.

Others said they either live at home now themselves or have done it in the past — with absolutely no regrets.

“I’m 25 and lowkey love it,” one person wrote.

“My mom will legit call me and ask me to come down to watch a movie with her and my dad,” another commented. “They’re my social life.”

“I seriously never wanted to move out,” someone else admitted. “I stayed until 28.”

“Just turned 27 and no shame living with my best friends, I love my parents,” yet another person added. “EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE!!”

A lot of people echoed this sentiment, pointing out that living at home offers a financial safety net like no other — especially if you’re trying to save up for your own place or pay down any debts.

“we are in our savings era!!” one person declared.

Another said they lived at home until they were 28, which recently allowed them to buy their own house.

“no shame,” they added, noting that those years living at home left them with “great memories” they’ll never forget.

Others thanked the TikToker for making them feel “less alone” in this phase of life, which isn’t often talked about.

“This perfectly captures my day to day life,” one person commented.

But perhaps the best comments came from other twenty-somethings who could relate to the unique daily routines you develop when you live at home with Mom and Dad.

“My mom and I drink wine and watch antique roadshow at 8:30,” one person shared.

Another said they watch “the news followed by jeopardy and wheel.”

“For me it’s my dad putting on boat accident compilations on YouTube for at least 30 mins,” someone else shared.

“and overhearing them repeat the news and stories to every sibling on the phone,” added another.

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