Liz Truss Says The Financial Times Is Linked To A Global Conspiracy And People Have Thoughts

Liz Truss has taken aim at a surprise target as she once again accused the “deep state” of scuppering her time as prime minister.

The short-lived PM accused The Financial Times of being linked to a global conspiracy designed to thwart her right-wing political outlook.

Earlier this week, Truss blamed the “deep state” for triggering the economic chaos which followed her infamous mini-budget.

She expanded on her theory while appearing on former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s ‘War Room’ show in the US.

Broadcasting from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington DC, Truss said she had wanted to cut taxes and the size of the state while in No.10, but “the economic establishment in Britain wanted to keep things the way they were – they got me”.

“But I have learnt from that, Steve,” she said.

Bannon said: “Hold on – was it the Economist that got you, was it the Financial Times of London, the City of London – are they the ones that run the deal over there?”

Holding up a copy of the Financial Times, Truss said: “These are the friends of the bureaucratic establishment and they are the friends of the deep state and they work together with the bureaucrats, of which we’ve got many more in Britain than you have here in the US, to keep things the same.

“People in Britain aren’t happy about that. They want change. But it’s being stopped, and that’s why we need a bigger bazooka.”

The clip has been widely shared on X (formerly Twitter) and the reactions have not been all that positive for the former PM.
