Logan McLellan seeking Conservative nomination in Egmont

Logan McLellan was the Conservative candidate in the Egmont riding in 2019. (Submitted by Logan McLellan - image credit)
Logan McLellan was the Conservative candidate in the Egmont riding in 2019. (Submitted by Logan McLellan - image credit)

Logan McLellan wants another try at unseating the Liberals in the western P.E.I. riding of Egmont.

McLellan has declared his candidacy for the Conservative Party in the federal riding.

"Enough is enough; we need new leadership so Canadians can reclaim control of their own lives," McLellan said in a news release about his decision to run again.

McLellan was the Conservative candidate in 2019 as well. He lost to the incumbent MP, Bobby Morrissey, by about 1,100 votes.

McLellan, who lives in Summerside and boasts of family connections all across Egmont, is an entrepreneur and financial advisor.

A federal election must be held by October 2025.