London politics LIVE: Keir Starmer accuses Tories of ‘economic vandalism’ at final PMQs before local elections

Labour leader Keir Starmer has accused the Government of “economic vandalism” in a fiery PMQs showdown before Thursday’s local elections.

Sir Keir said by the end of this year there would be nearly two million home owners paying the price because of the Tories had “crashed the economy last Autumn”.

The Prime Minister, in response, said while Labour had failed home owners, the Conservatives “were delivering for them”.

It comes as the shadow chancellor has accused the prime minister of playing a “political gimmick” with the investigation into Sue Gray’s switch to a senior Labour role.

Rachel Reeves told Times Radio that Mr Sunak had a “political vandetta” against Ms Gray, and he was “supposed to be moving on from the era of Boris Johnson”.

It was revealed on Tuesday that Ms Gray, the partygate investigator, chose not to take part in the Governmnent probe into her departure from a high-ranking Whitehall position to become Sir Keir Starmer’s chief of staff.

The investigation has been paused as a result, angering some Tories, but Mr Starmer has insisted that he is “confident” Ms Gray had not broken any rules.

Key Points

Sue Gray cooperating with ‘normal process’, Labour says

09:53 , Miriam Burrell

While Sue Gray has refused to speak to the Government about her role switch, she is fully cooperating with the “normal process”, Rachel Reeves has said.

The Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACOBA) is a watchdog that investigates new jobs for ex-civil servants.

The shadow chancellor told Times Radio on Wednesday there are two investigations underway.

“There is the usual one, the ACOBA process which Sue Gray is cooperating with fully, and then there is the political gimmick one set up by Government ministers to pursue this vendetta they have got against Sue Gray.”

Read more here.

Sue Gray (PA Archive)
Sue Gray (PA Archive)

Protesters ‘plotting for months’ to disrupt coronation

10:00 , Miriam Burrell

Protesters have been plotting for months to disrupt the King’s coronation, security minister Tom Tugendhat suggested on Wednesday.

He emphasised that some of the threats came from overseas.

He said that the coronation and Buckingham Palace were “safe”, as one of the biggest security operations ever seen in Britain was being put in place.

It comes after a man was arrested outside Buckingham Palace on Tuesday night after suspected shotgun cartridges were thorughn into the Palace grounds.

Read more about security plans here.

Labour blames Tories after dropping tuition fee pledge

10:10 , Miriam Burrell

Labour dropped its promise to ditch tuition fees because “the Tories have crashed the economy”, Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves claimed on Wednesday.

She told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “The Tories have crashed the economy, they have brought public services to their knees and that does mean that we need to look again at what we can afford and what our priorities will be if we have the privilege to form the next government.”

Read more here.

Rachel Reeves with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer (PA Wire)
Rachel Reeves with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer (PA Wire)

London Tory MP to stand down at next election

10:34 , Miriam Burrell

Matthew Offord has announced he will not fight the next general election, saying his time in office “has required great sacrifices in my personal and professional lives”.

He has been the MP for Hendon since 2010 and is the first London Tory to confirm they will step down before Britain heads to the polls again next year.

London expected to see a raft of new MPs at the next election.

The capital is due to gain two new constituencies in boundary changes and veteran Labour MPs Harriet Harman, Dame Margaret Hodge and Jon Cruddas are also due to retire.

Read more here.

Matthew Offord with Justine Greening (Nigel Howard/ ES)
Matthew Offord with Justine Greening (Nigel Howard/ ES)

Sunak vows to ‘bring more fraudsters to justice’ in new strategy

10:43 , Miriam Burrell

A new fraud strategy announced by the Government on Wednesday will include banning cold calls on all financial products, such as those relating to insurance or sham cryptocurrency schemes.

Banks will also be allowed to delay payments from being processed for longer to allow for suspect payments to be investigated.

SNP signs new contract with auditor

10:53 , Miriam Burrell

The SNP has signed a contract with a new auditor more than six months after the previous company quit, it is being reported.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said AMS Accountants Group will complete the work for the publication of the party’s accounts, according to Sky News.

The party has been without auditors for its accounts since October, when the Westminster group left with just weeks to file with the Electoral Commission or risk losing £1.2 million in funding from UK Parliament to support their work.

Read more here.

First Minister Humza Yousaf (PA Wire)
First Minister Humza Yousaf (PA Wire)

Give Government power to overturn ULEZ, Tory MP says

11:26 , Miriam Burrell

A new law that could give the Government the power to overturn the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion to Greater London is to be raised in Parliament.

Plans that would allow Transport Secretary Mark Harper to veto decisions by the London Mayor Sadiq Khan will be proposed by Theresa Villiers on Wednesday.

Read more here.

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Pictured: Rishi Sunak leaves No10

11:42 , Miriam Burrell

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is heading to the House of Commons ahead of PMQs at midday.


Sunak sends ‘best wishes’ to King and Queen


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has sent “best wishes” to the King and Queen Consort ahead of the coronation on Saturday, as PMQs gets underway.

Rishi Sunak sends ‘best wishes’ to King and Queen Consort

12:03 , Miriam Burrell

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sends “best wishes” to the King and Queen Consort ahead of the coronation on Saturday, as PMQs gets underway.

Starmer and Sunak clash over mortgage rates

12:06 , Miriam Burrell

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has asked if Rishi Sunak knew how many people are paying higher mortgage rates since the Tories “crashed the economy” last year.

He claimed it was 850,000 people, when Mr Sunak dodged the question.

The Prime Minister said last year the largest number of people bought their first home in 30 years.

Starmer says 950,000 people paying more on their mortgage

12:10 , Miriam Burrell

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said 930,000 people this year are paying more on their mortgage, and the average deposit is going up by £9,000.

He said it would take four years for the average saver to save that. He accused the Government of “kicking them when they’re down”.

Rishi Sunak said there have been twice the number of homeowners under the Government.

‘Just build some houses’, Starmer tells PM

12:12 , Miriam Burrell

Sir Keir Starmer said the Prime Minister needs to “just build some houses” instead of blaming other people for the housing crisis.

Hitting back, Rishi Sunak said in London the former Tory Mayor built 60,000 new homes - but Labour only managed “half of that”.

Coronation will be ‘new chapter in our history’, Starmer says

12:14 , Miriam Burrell

300 million people are expected to tune in to the coronation, Sir Keir Starmer said, calling it a “new chapter in our history”.

The Labour leader said it will be a chance to reflect on Queen Elizabeth II’s reign.

Rishi Sunak said the coronation will “be a very special moment”.

Rishi Sunak focuses on local elections

12:16 , Miriam Burrell

Rishi Sunak has used PMQs to bump the Tory image ahead of local elections on Thursday.

He urged voters to vote Conservatives.

PM asked about Labour’s tuition fee pledge U-turn

12:18 , Miriam Burrell

SNP MP Stephen Flynn asked the Prime Minister about Labour scrapping its pledge to scrap tuition fees.

He said Westminster political parties “don’t offer young people any hope at all, do they?”

Rishi Sunak said: “If you’re from a disadvantaged background, you’re far more likely to go to university in England than Scotland.”

PM asked to create Sudanese family visa scheme

12:20 , Miriam Burrell

The Prime Minister was asked to instate a Sudanese family visa sceheme by Brighton MP Caroline Lucas.

But Rishi Sunak said the Government’s ability to do that is “absolutely hampered” by Channel small boat crossings.

Christmas market in Lincoln to go after 40 years

12:24 , Miriam Burrell

Rishi Sunak said he shares disappointement with MP Karl McCartney that there will no longer be a Christmas market in Lincoln, for the first time in 40 years, thanks to a decision made by the Labour-run council, behind closed doors.

The Prime Minister said constituents “deserved better” and urged them to vote Conservative in the local elections on Thursday.

Prime Minister told of ‘decay of denistry'

12:26 , Miriam Burrell

MP Mary Kelly said a constituent of hers discovered a tumor in their face that required 16 hours of surgery through private care.

She said a “decay of dentistry” has happened under the Government’s watch and urged the Prime Minister meets with Dental association.

Rishi Sunak said there has been a “reform” of the industry and vowed changes were coming soon.

Schools have become ‘fourth emergency service’, MP says

12:29 , Miriam Burrell

MP Holly Lynch said schools are having to become the fourth emergency service for families amid the cost of living crisis.

Rishi Sunak said familieswill see half of their energy bills paid by the Government, and additional funding for those on welfare.

People in particular need should talk to their local councils, he urged.

Prime Minister urged to compesate '1950s women’

12:33 , Miriam Burrell

MP Rebecca Long Bailey said the women’s pension age was increased without their knowledge in the 1950s and people gave up work without realising.

She asked the prime minister to commit to a !fair and fast payment” of compensation to 1950s women for the “injustice” they suffered.

Rishi Sunak said there is an “ongoing process” that he “can’t comment on” but the Government would respond appropiately.

Starmer: £9,000 house deposit increase is cost of Sunak’s ‘pool heating bill’

12:44 , Miriam Burrell

Prime Minister’s Questions has now wrapped up.

Earlier, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said that the average house deposit for a first-time buyer is increasing by £9,000.

“Does he even know how long it would take an average saver to put that sort of money aside?” he asked Rishi Sunak.

“£9,000 would take four years… roughly the annual bill to heat his swimming pool, but for most people, four more years of scrimping is a hammer blow to their ambitions.”

The Prime Minister replied: “That’s why we’ve introduced a 95 per cent mortgage guarantee scheme, it’s why we’re helping people in social housing own their own home through our first homes and our shared home ownership schemes.”

Tory councillors don’t want to build houses - Starmer

13:02 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said Conservative councillors “simply don’t want to build the houses local people need”.

He told the Commons: “The only power he’s given to local communities – not to build houses, and we know why he won’t change course, he admitted it last month.

“His councillors simply don’t want to build the houses local people need, so he’s given them a way out.”

Sir Keir added: “Why doesn’t he stop the excuses, stop blaming everyone else, and just build some houses instead?”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “Our memories aren’t that short. We all know what happened last time when they were in power, there was no money left for the country.”

He criticised Labour’s record on housebuilding, saying: “In London, the former Conservative mayor built 60,000 affordable homes in his first five years in office, how many do the current Labour mayor manage – half of that.

“In Wales, we need 12,000 new homes a year, how many have Labour built in the last year? Half of that. Labour talk and the Conservatives deliver.”

Sunak says local elections will mark an ‘important day’ ahead of Coronation

13:09 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told PMQs: “We’re all looking very much forward to the coronation, it will be a very special moment in the history of our country, and I know that we will join with the country in celebrating it.

“But before we get to the coronation weekend, we have an important day tomorrow, and the choice before the country is clear. When they go to that ballot box they can see a party that stands for higher council tax, higher crime, and a litany of broken promises.

“Meanwhile, we’re getting on with delivering what we say, with lower council tax, lower crime and fewer potholes.”

Rishi Sunak: It is ‘obviously disappointing’ Sue Gray chose not to cooperate with probe

13:17 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

The refusal of partygate investigator Sue Gray to co-operate with a Government probe into her move to a senior Labour role is “obviously disappointing”, Downing Street has said.

Rishi Sunak’s press secretary told reporters in Westminster: “The Prime Minister is not obviously involved in this process, but it is obviously disappointing that Sue Gray was offered to co-operate and has chosen not to do so.

“I think what is more disappointing is that Keir Starmer is in a position where he could clear up very quickly when contact was made by his office, or by him, to Sue Gray, to uphold the integrity of the Civil Service and ensure that it is transparent and open.”

Asked about Labour’s claim that the Government is pursuing a vendetta against the former senior official, the press secretary said: “No, I don’t think that is the case at all.”

She also said she did not “recognise at all” reports that Ms Gray declined to engage with the process as it was on shaky legal ground.

Live coverage ends

14:48 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

That’s all from our politics live blog for today. Thank you for following along.

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