London politics latest LIVE: Eight Tory leadership hopefuls make it onto ballot for Wednesday’s vote as ‘dirty tricks’ row erupts

London politics latest LIVE: Eight Tory leadership hopefuls make it onto ballot for Wednesday’s vote as ‘dirty tricks’ row erupts

Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Tom Tugendhat, Penny Mordaunt, Kemi Badenoch, Nadhim Zahawi, Jeremy Hunt and Suella Braverman will go into the first ballot of MPs in the Tory leadership contest on Wednesday.

The list of hopefuls to replace Boris Johnson was revealed by Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee on Tuesday evening.

Eight MPs are on the list: Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Tom Tugendhat, Penny Mordaunt, Kemi Badenoch, Nadhim Zahawi, Jeremy Hunt and Suella Braverman.

Each secured the necessary support of 20 or more fellow Tory MPs to make it onto the ballot paper.

The candidates were attending a hustings by the Centre for Social Justice in another evening of high drama at Westminster.

And an explosive row erupted as Nadine Dorries accused Mr Sunak of pulling “dirty tricks” after he and Mr Hunt made it into the first ballot.

Moments before the list was revealed, Sajid Javid pulled out of the race having failed to gain sufficient support. Priti Patel earlier announced she was not going to enter the leadership race.

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab and Transport Secretary Grant Shapps gave their backing to former Chancellor Mr Sunak as he launched his leadership bid on Tuesday morning.

Ms Truss, the Foreign Secretary, has also received a significant boost for her campaign after being backed by fellow Cabinet ministers, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nadine Dorries.

Meanwhile former Brexit secretary David Davis announced he is backing Ms Mordaunt.

Jeremy Hunt: ‘Immoral’ to offer personal tax cuts funded from borrowing

19:48 , Michael Howie

Tory leadership contender Jeremy Hunt has said it would be "immoral" to offer personal tax cuts funded from borrowing as he promoted corporate tax cuts.

He told LBC radio he has costed his substantial tax cut pledges, admitting "they are expensive" but arguing he could "do this within the fiscal rule that says that debt has to fall as a proportion of GDP over the period".

"It would be immoral off a personal tax cuts funded from borrowing," he continued.

"If you put money in people's pockets, welcome though it is, you risk stoking inflation, business tax cuts don't do that".

He argued that while corporation tax cuts are "not vote winners", they would lead to economic growth by the time of the next election.

18:45 , John Dunne

Nadine Dorries has accused Rishi Sunak’s team of ‘dark arts’ claiming they are trying to engineer a run off with Jeremy Hunt.

Culture Secretary Dorries, who is backing Liz Truss’s campaign to be leader, took to twitter to attack Sunak.

She tweeted: “This is dirty tricks/a stitch up/dark arts. Take your pick. Team Rishi want the candidate they know they can definitely beat in the final two and that is @jeremyhunt”.

Meanwhile Jeremy Hunt’s team have rubbished the claims.

Andrew Mitchell says Jeremy Hunt ‘unsullied’ by Downing Street sleaze

18:15 , John Dunne

Andrew Mitchell MP, who is supporting Jeremy Hunt campaign, said he had been “unsullied” by scandal at No 10.

He said: “Jeremy Hunt is not sullied... he represents change. We are through Brexit now.”

He added that Hunt would not “launch attacks on other candidates”, adding “we are running a clean campaign”.

Tories through to the next stage of the leadership contest announced

18:08 , John Dunne

Kemi Badenoch, Suella Braverman, Jeremy Hunt, Penny Mordaunt, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Tom Tugenhat and Nadhim Zahawi have made it through to the next stage of the tory election race.

The names were read out by Sir Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 committee which is running the election.

Sajid Javid has pulled out.

Sajid Javid pulls out of tory election contest

17:55 , John Dunne

Sajid Javid has pulled out of the tory election race.

He said: “I look forward to seeing the debates”, adding that he wanted to see the party unify.

Chishti pulls out of tory election race

17:41 , John Dunne

Tory backbencher and leadership hopeful Rehman Chishti has confirmed he has dropped out of the race to replace Boris Johnson.

The foreign office minister says he has not been able to secure the necessary parliamentary backing of 20 MPs.

Suella Braverman says she has support of 20 MPs to take her into the leadership race ballot

17:09 , John Dunne

Suella Braverman says she’s “got the numbers” to make the leadership race ballot.

The Attorney General shared that she’d made up the 20 MPs needed at a Southend City event held in Parliament this afternoon.

This makes Braverman the fourth candidate thought to have got over the line, with Rishi Sunak, Penny Mordaunt, Liz Truss and Tom Tugendhat understood to have also reached the threshold.

Oliver Dowden appeals for tory leadership candidates not to “speak ill” of one another

16:36 , John Dunne

Oliver Dowden, who is backing Rishi Sunak in his leadership bid, says Conservative party members “shouldn’t speak ill of one another”.

His comments to the BBC come after Jacob Rees-Mogg reportedly called Sunak, the former chancellor, “a socialist”.

Most of the leadership candidates are divided over the timing and scale of proposed tax reductions.

But Sunak says he will tackle inflation before making immediate cuts.

Michael Gove says Boris Johnson was “very polite” when he sacked him last week

16:29 , John Dunne

Michael Gove said Boris Johnson was “very equable, very polite” when he sacked him last week, after the Prime Minister did not heed his call to step down in a “dignified and appropriate” way.

The former levelling up secretary told the BBC: “When he sacked me, he was as he’s always been in conversation with me, very equable, very polite, and obviously I’m not surprised because earlier in the day, I’d gone to see him privately.

“I’d explained to him that, while I regretted it, there was a grim political reality facing us…

“My advice to him, which I offered as a friend and in candour and in private, was that if he chose to step down that day, that Wednesday, he could take control of the situation and he could do so in a way that was dignified and appropriate.

“Now obviously Boris took a different view and I respect that”.

Government 'moves to block no confidence motion’

16:19 , Josh Salisbury

The Government has moved to block a no confidence motion being moved in the House of Commons by Labour, according to reports.

MPs urge ministers to introduce max temperature working law

16:07 , Josh Salisbury

MPs have urged ministers to introduce a maximum working temperature to help protect employees from tiredness, infections, heat stroke and death.

They want a limit of 30C in most workplaces or 27C for those doing strenuous work guaranteed in law.

Employers would have a legal duty to introduce "effective control measures", such as installing ventilation or moving staff away from windows and sources of heat, under the proposals.

A total of 37 MPs have signed an early day motion (EDM), tabled in the House of Commons by Labour's Ian Mearns (Gateshead), in support of the plan.

EDMs allow MPs to express an opinion, publicise a cause or support a position. It is rare for EDMs to be debated.

First Tory leadership TV debate to be held Friday

15:44 , Josh Salisbury

Channel 4 has announced it will hold a Tory leadership debate with the remaining candidates on Friday at 7pm.

It is the third televised debate to be announced.

ITV will also host one on Sunday at 7pm, while another will be aired on Sky News on Monday.

Health minister defends Sunak over tax rises

15:29 , Daniel Keane

Gillian Keegan defended Rishi Sunak after Brexit opportunities minister Jacob Rees-Mogg said leadership candidate Liz Truss was "always opposed to Rishi's higher taxes".

The health minister told the PA news agency: "Well, I think Rishi actually cut taxes by raising the threshold.

"But what they may be referring to is the levy that was put in place, which is the health and social care levy.

"That levy is really about putting a sustainable funding stream in place to do the massive social care reforms that we need to do.

"Those reforms have been dodged and ducked several times, they're difficult to do, they're expensive to do, they have to be sustainable, but with the demographics that we have, sometimes you just have to take good, long-term decisions, which actually, overall, will be better for our economy, better for our public finances, and actually enable us to deliver tax cuts in the future."

Tugendhat passes threshold of 20 MPs

15:22 , Daniel Keane

Tory MP Aaron Bell handed in the nomination papers for Tom Tugendhat's leadership bid to Tory 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady, indicating he had the support of the 20 MPs required to go into the contest.

"Tom is now the first candidate to be duly nominated," Mr Bell said.

Health minister backs Sunak

15:10 , Daniel Keane

Health minister Gillian Keegan has said she is backing Rishi Sunak due to his experience of working in Government.

She told the PA news agency: "We're facing really quite challenging times in our country. I think serious times need serious people.

"He's got proven experience. Obviously, he navigated some really tricky things during the pandemic.

"He got it right. I like his honesty, integrity."

Cleverly comes out in support of Ms Truss

15:04 , Daniel Keane

Education Secretary James Cleverly, as well as a host of other Johnson loyalists. have come out in support of Liz Truss, has been seen as a “stop Sunak” candidate.

Ms Dorries told reporters in Downing Street that Ms Truss, who voted Remain in the 2016 referendum, is probably a “stronger Brexiteer than both of us” and has “consistently argued for low tax policies”.

Matt Hancock uses the Matt Hancock app to back Rishi Sunak

14:41 , Daniel Keane

Matt Hancock has given his backing to Rishi Sunak - using the Matt Hancock app.

The former health secretar said that Mr Sunak had the “plan, character and experience to deliver fo the country”.

His message has now been posted on Twitter.

14:27 , Daniel Keane

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has reached the threshold of 20 nominations from Tory MPs in order to make the next round of the leadership contest.

It comes after Cabinet Office minister Jacob Rees-Mogg and culture secretary Nadine Dorries gave thier backing to her campaign.

She hit the target as two MPs who had previously backed Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, who ended his campaign to throw his weight behind Rishi Sunak, gave their backing to Ms Truss to become the next Tory leader.

One of them, Peterborough MP Paul Bristow, tweeted: "We need a leader who is proven to deliver. trussliz has that record and experience.

"She is best placed to unite our party and deliver for our country".

Watch: Kemi Badenoch will not enter into tax cut ‘bidding war’ with other Tory candidates

14:20 , Daniel Keane

Priti Patel rules out joining leadership contest

14:00 , Josh Salisbury

Home Secretary Priti Patel has ruled out joining the Conservative leadership contest.

Ms Patel had been widely speculated to be weighing up a bid at the top job, but said Tuesday she had decided against doing so.

In a statement, she said: “I am grateful to the encouragement and support colleagues and Party members have offered me in recent days in suggesting I enter the contest for the leadership of the Conservative Party.

“I will not be putting my name forward for the ballot of MPs.

“As Home Secretary I have always put the security and safety of our country and the national interest first and my focus is to continue working to get more police on our streets, support our amazing security services to keep our country safe and control our borders.

“As a lifelong and committed Conservative, I will always make the case for freedom, enterprise and opportunity and work with colleagues to deliver these values in Government.

“Like all Conservative MPs and Party members, I will be listening to cases being put forward by the candidates standing for the leadership of the Party and trust the contest will be conducted in a good spirit that brings our Party together."

David Davis: Penny Mordaunt ‘best person to beat Rishi Sunak'

13:42 , Josh Salisbury

Former Cabinet minister David Davis has spoken more about his support for Penny Mordaunt, saying she is the most likely Tory leadership candidate to “beat Rishi Sunak".

"We need high integrity, we can't afford any more scandals after the last two years. She's a woman of incredible integrity," the senior MP told Sky News.

“But, most of all, she's got a vision for Britain, she's a patriot, she knows what she wants to put across, she knows what sort of Conservatism she stands for.

“As a result, she's popular in Scotland, she's popular in Red Wall seats, she's popular with the younger voters and, actually, she's the person who's most likely within the party to actually beat Rishi Sunak."

Red Wall MP: I’m backing Tom Tugendhat for leader

13:23 , Josh Salisbury

Conservative MP for the Staffordshire seat of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Aaron Bell, has said he is backing Tom Tugendhat for leader as he is offering a fresh start.

He told the PA news agency: “What I think the country needs, and what this party needs, is a clean start. It has been very damaging in the last eight months or so.

“Tom, obviously, isn't associated with that. He's got character, leadership, integrity in spades.

“I really think what people are looking for is someone with those leadership qualities that Tom's demonstrated throughout his career, whether in the military or in Parliament, and serving his constituents as well.”

John Major: Conservatives who failed to speak out against Johnson ‘damaged our country'

13:19 , Josh Salisbury

Former Prime Minister Sir John Major has criticised senior Conservative MPs for failing to speak out against Boris Johnson.

Appearing before a House of Commons committee on Tuesday, he said the Government had "broken the law" and risked "pulling our constitution into shreds".

He said: “What has been done in the last three years has damaged our country at home and overseas and I think has damaged the reputation of Parliament as well.

“The blame for these lapses must lie principally - principally, but not only - with the Prime Minister, but many in his Cabinet are culpable too and so are those outside the Cabinet who cheered him on.

“They were silent when they should have spoken out and then spoke out only when their silence became self-damaging.”

‘Significant work ongoing’ to protect vulnerable during heatwave

12:51 , Daniel Keane

Downing Street has said that "significant work" is being done within Whitehall to ensure the most vulnerable are protected during the heatwave.

The Prime Minister's official spokesman said Cabinet Office Minister Kit Malthouse briefed ministers on the preparations at the weekly meeting of the Cabinet on Tuesday.

The spokesman said that planning had been taking place within the NHS and with local councils as well as across transport networks.

"Officials have met to discuss and co-ordinate the response. We continue to monitor the results of the heatwave," the spokesman said.

"There is significant work going on across government in making sure those who are most vulnerable to high temperatures are looked after and given the requisite advice."

Starmer confirms vote of no confidence in Government

12:33 , Daniel Keane

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has set out his party’s plans for a vote of no confidence in the Government.

"Labour is laying a vote of no confidence in this caretaker Prime Minister and his Government.

"The Tory party has at last concluded that the Prime Minister is unfit for office, that was blindingly obvious a very, very long time ago. He is leaving because his own party has concluded that he can't be trusted.

"They can't now let him cling on for weeks, and weeks, and weeks until September 5. It would be intolerable for the country.

"Since the Tories have failed to act in the national interest, Labour will.

"We have put down a vote of no confidence, and challenged any Tory MP who in the last few days has said 'I can't serve Boris Johnson because you can't trust a word the man says', 'I can't go on the media because the lines he gives us always unravel'.

"Can they really vote to say he should stay in power for another few weeks? We're challenging them to put their constituents first, and put the country first."

Channel 4 boss ‘given few minutes notice’ of privatisation

12:18 , Daniel Keane

Channel 4 boss Alex Mahon said she was "disappointed" she was informed "a number of minutes" before the Secretary of State Nadine Dorries tweeted that the broadcaster was to be privatised.

Mahon, who was asked during a Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Committee meeting how much notice she was given regarding the privatisation decision, said: "The first discussion on this was April last year.

"It was quite short notice for us and unexpected when the consultation was launched and, as you know, the final decision was released by tweet in recess on April 4 - that was quite sudden notice.

"We were informed a number of minutes beforehand."

She later added: "I think it was disappointing in terms of process but I don't think it indicates a substantial breakdown (in communications).

"It probably indicates a decision having been made and communicated rapidly."

Tugendhat dismisses criticism of ministerial inexperience

12:04 , Daniel Keane

Tom Tugendhat has dismissed criticism of his lack of ministerial experience after Dominic Raab said it was "no time to learn on the job".

Mr Tugendhat said: "The reality is that the job of prime minister is unlike every other job in government. It's not a management job, it's not a departmental job. It's a job that demands vision and leadership, it demands a willingness to serve and to throw everything in the duty of serving the British people.

"This is no time to learn. What this is, is a time to look at a record of service and a record of delivery in some of the most difficult and trying conditions around the world, and to see that this isn't learning on the job, this is putting all that experience to work on the job."

Pictured: Tom Tugendhat speaking at the launch of his campaign

11:57 , Daniel Keane


Rees-Mogg: Truss has shown ‘proper Conservatism’

11:51 , Daniel Keane

Jacob Rees-Mogg said Liz Truss has shown "proper Conservatism" in her views when opposing tax rises, which is another reason why he has decided to back her.

The Brexit opportunities minister told reporters in Downing Street: "I'm also going to be backing Liz Truss. As Nadine said, I think she's a stronger Brexiteer than either of us and that's really important.

"She has been my strongest supporter in the Cabinet in getting Brexit opportunities. When we discussed taxation, Liz was always opposed to Rishi's higher taxes. That, again, is proper Conservatism.

"I think she's got the character to lead the party and the nation."

Sunak says he hasn’t spoken to Cummings during campaign

11:41 , Daniel Keane

Rishi Sunak has said Dominic Cummings will have "absolutely nothing" to do with any government the ex-chancellor may lead and insisted they have not spoken since the former aide left No 10.

At his campaign launch, Mr Sunak said: "Dominic Cummings has had absolutely nothing to do with this campaign and will have absolutely nothing to do with any government that I'm privileged to lead.

"For the record, I've not communicated with Dominic Cummings since the day he left Downing Street."

Tugendhat to cut fuel duty by 10p if elected PM

11:34 , Daniel Keane

Tom Tugendhat promised to slash fuel duty by 10p if elected as prime minister.

The Tory leadership candidate said: "I am here to make the case that our economy can only prosper if we believe that people-and not Westminster-know best how to spend their money.

"I know the pain families are feeling now. That is why my first pledge is to take fuel duty down by 10p a litre.

"My second is to reverse the national insurance rise.

"This isn't about percentages. It's about jobs.

"That's why I didn't vote for the increase then, and I wouldn't now."

Sunak pledges ‘traditional Tory values’ not ‘fairytales'

11:24 , Daniel Keane

Rishi Sunak pledged a return to "traditional Conservative economic values" rather than "fairytales".

At his campaign launch, the former chancellor said: "We need to have a grown up conversation about the central policy question that all candidates have to answer in this election. Do you have a credible plan to protect our economy and get it growing?

"My message to the party and the country is simply, I have a plan to steer our economy through these headwinds. We need a return to traditional Conservative economic values and that means honesty and responsibility, not fairytales."

Sunak: I will run a positive campaign

11:21 , Daniel Keane

Mr Sunak says he will run a positive campaign despite hostile briefings from rival camps.

“We are all part of one Conservative family,” he says. “We should be proud of the things that we’ve done to make a difference to this country.”

Badenoch: It’s time to tell the truth

11:19 , Daniel Keane

Former equalities minister Kemi Badenoch has opened her Tory leadership campaign speech by saying "it's time to tell the truth".

Addressing MPs and journalists at the launch in Westminster, the MP for Saffron Walden said: "It's time to tell the truth.

"For too long politicians have been saying you can have it all - you can have your cake and eat it.

"But I'm here to tell you that's not the case.

"Governing involves trade-offs and you need to be honest about that."

Ms Badenoch said the public is "crying out for honesty" from the next prime minister, a quality she pledged to embody if chosen.

Sunak: Boris Johnson has a good heart

11:10 , Daniel Keane

Rishi Sunak says that Boris Johnson is “one of the most remarkable people I have ever met”.

“Whatever some commentators may say, he has a good heart,” he says.

“Did I disagree with him? Frequently. Is he flawed? Yes.

“Was it no longer working? Yes. That’s why I resigned.

“I will have no part in a rewriting of history that seeks to demonise Boris Johnson or deny his efforts.”

Raab: Sunak is the only candidate that can beat Labour

11:07 , Daniel Keane

Mr Raab says that Mr Sunak has “economic leadership” and is the only Tory candidate capable of beating Labour.

“He’s got the economic leadership, he’s the only candidate that can win red wall and blue wall seats,” he adds.

Shapps backs Sunak

11:06 , Daniel Keane

Transport secretary Grant Shapps has given his backing to Rishi Sunak.

He tweeted: “Huge thanks to my team for helping to pull together my leadership bid in literally no time! Amongst a field of brilliant candidates I’ve spoken to Rishi Sunak who I believe has the competence and experience to lead this country.”

Raab backs Rishi Sunak

11:05 , Daniel Keane

Dominic Raab is the first speaker at Rishi Sunak’s campaign launch, announcing his backing for the former Chancellor.

“Rishi’s values are our values,” he says. “He is someone who makes things happen.”

Pictured: Rees-Mogg and Dorries back Truss

11:02 , Daniel Keane


Breaking: Rees-Mogg and Dorries come out in support of Truss

10:49 , Daniel Keane

Boris Johnson's allies Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nadine Dorries have come out in support of Foreign Secretary Liz Truss.

Speaking to reporters in Downing Street, the Brexit opportunities minister and the Culture Secretary gave their backing to Ms Truss to become the next Tory leader, and therefore prime minister.

Tax cuts ‘have to be earned’, says Tory peer

10:37 , Daniel Keane

Former Conservative leader Lord Hague has accused leadership hopefuls of making “too may promises” on tax cuts.

He told Times Radio: “Tax cuts have to be earned and you still have to have a country that is credit worthy and where, we don’t balance the budget these days but you can’t let the budget deficit get completely out of control and so Margaret Thatcher’s view was always good financial management eventually leads to tax cuts.

“It is not that you solve all your problems that way. So I think there has been too much emphasis in this leadership election so far from some of the candidates on that, on the tax cut issue.

“They are trying to differentiate themselves, of course, from each other and from the immediate past chancellor Rishi Sunak, so one can understand it in a way.

“But there is too much focus and too many promises being made on that at the moment.”

Pictured: Starmer on route to Wycombe football stadium

10:23 , Daniel Keane

Sir Keir Starmer is en route to Adams Park, the home of Wycombe Wanderers FC, where he will hold a meeting of his shadow Cabinet.


Javid ‘embarrassed’ he was sent out to defend partygate scandal

10:01 , Daniel Keane

Tory leadership hopeful Sajid Javid has said he was left “embarrassed” at having to defend No10 over the partygate scandal.

He told ITV News: “I’ve made my anger very clear and I think I made it super clear when I resigned.”

Mr Javid said he did not feel guilty about his resignation, which prompted Boris Johnson’s downfall.

“I felt I had to do the right thing - what my conscience dictates, I wasn’t thinking what this means for the prime minister, to be honest.”

Mordaunt vows to break SNP’s ‘yellow wall'

09:45 , Daniel Keane

Tory leadership candidate Penny Mordaunt said she has what it takes to break the SNP's "yellow wall" and help the Tories take power in Scotland.

Writing in the Scottish Daily Mail, she said: “We won’t beat the SNP by dividing people. We will only beat it with a message that unites the country by focusing on what really matters.

“And we must set that ambition to defeat the Nationalists one day. I won’t pretend it will be easy. But as a member of the Royal Navy, I’ve got the courage and determination to take on that huge challenge.”

Mo Farah is ‘truly great Briton’

09:32 , Daniel Keane

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan described Sir Mo Farah as "a truly great Briton" after the Olympic champion revealed he was brought illegally to the UK as a child.

He tweeted: "Everything Sir Mo has survived proves he's not only one of our greatest Olympians but a truly great Briton.

"Mo-Farah thank you for sharing your story, shining a spotlight on these awful crimes & showing why safe passage is so important for those in need."

Zahawi: I am a battle-tested PM

09:18 , Daniel Keane

Elsewhere in his campaign video, Mr Zahawi highlighted his record as vaccines minister and a businessman.

He said he would be a "battle-tested prime minister" because of his role in the Covid-19 vaccines rollout.

"I'm a father, an immigrant, a self-made businessman, and I ran the world's leading Covid vaccination campaign," he said.

Cutting taxes isn’t a fairytale, says Zahawi

09:02 , Daniel Keane

Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi said "cutting taxes isn't a fairytale" in a swipe at his predecessor Rishi Sunak as he set out his pitch to Tory voters.

He said in his leadership campaign video that he would reform education to give pupils "the tools they need to succeed in life".

"Faced by Russia and China it is clear we must increase our spending on defence," he added.

"And of course we need to reduce the burden of tax.

"I believe cutting taxes isn't a fairytale but rather a critical step to tackle the cost-of-living crisis."

Zahawi praises Farah as ‘truly inspirational'

08:46 , Daniel Keane

Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi has praised Sir Mo Farah as a "truly inspirational" role model after the Olympic champion revealed he was trafficked to the UK as a child.

Asked how it made him feel reading Sir Mo's story, the Tory leadership hopeful told BBC Breakfast: "Heartbroken, painful. I was very lucky that I had my parents with me when we fled Iraq.

"It was difficult no doubt, I was 11 years old, I didn't understand why we were fleeing Saddam Hussein, I knew he was a dictator, I knew he was bad.

"All I can say is I salute Mo Farah, what an amazing human being to go through that trauma in childhood and to come through it and be such a great role model is truly inspirational - and exemplary."

Watch: Today’s politics daily briefing

08:28 , Daniel Keane

I’ve fully costed my pledges, says Zahawi

08:16 , Daniel Keane

Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi insisted it was appropriate to set out tax proposals during his Tory leadership race after criticism from Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey.

He told BBC Breakfast: "I'm setting out my stall as prime minister and I have fully costed these pledges, and I'll be saying more about the way we'll pay for that in the coming days."

Labour to table no confidence motion in Government

08:01 , Daniel Keane

Labour will table a no confidence motion in Boris Johnson’s Government today, seeking to hold the vote on Wednesday, party sources have said.

Securing support of 20 MPs ‘isn’t going to be easy'

07:41 , Daniel Keane

Securing the support of 20 fellow MPs to make it onto the Conservative leadership ballot “isn’t going to be an easy task”, Nusrat Ghani has said.

The 1922 Committee vice-chairwoman told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme: “I’m wishing good luck to every candidate. There was a point where I think a number of us were getting incoming calls and I thought for a moment ‘gosh, we might even have 16’.

“But who knows, who knows? Securing the support of 20 backers isn’t going to be an easy task. At the moment, I believe there are 11, there could be 12. Let’s see by 10pm tonight who’s been able to get the nomination.”

She said the committee “will do everything we can” to make sure the process is as “efficient and as swift” as possible.

She added that the 1922 Committee executive will not be publicly declaring who they are supporting in the leadership race “to make sure we’re doing everything we can appropriately without fear or favour”.

Shapps calls for defence spending boost

07:32 , Daniel Keane

Grant Shapps has called for defence spending to be boosted to 3 per cent of the country’s GDP.

The transport secretary wrote in The Times: “is not free. That is why, as prime minister, I will raise defence spending to 3 per cent of GDP, in contrast to Nato’s recommended minimum of 2 per cent.”

He pointed to the kit limitations of the Navy adn the RAF, adding: “The Army is shrinking in manpower, artillery and armour. Quality is vital, but quantity has a quality all of its own.

“We have had to wait a decade to replace the venerable Nimrod subhunter with the new Poseidon aircraft. The Vanguard-class boats carrying the Trident nuclear deterrent are based on the Clyde, and they are nearing the end of their lives.

“The extra money I am proposing will help to bring forward the modernisation of the deterrent with new Dreadnought-class boats. We will accelerate the in-service dates for programmes that have been ‘shifted to the right’ to ease budgetary pressure.”

‘Irresponsible’ to keep borrowing, says Sunak ally

07:22 , Daniel Keane

An ally of Rishi Sunak has said it would be “irresponsible” to borrow on the back of another generation”.

Tory MP Andrew Bowie told Sky News that, while the British public wanted to be taxed less, the former Chancellor has a “realistic” and “sensible” plan for the economy.

Good morning

07:12 , Daniel Keane

Good morning and welcome to the Evening Standard’s live political coverage.

Here’s a quick run through of all the latest from Westminster overnight:

- Rishi Sunak will vow to cut taxes as he launches his campaign for the Tory leadership later today, but only once inflation has been brought under control

- Tory leadership contender Tom Tugendhat has said tax cuts cannot be the "only round in the magazine" in stimulating economic growth

- The next Tory leader and PM will be confirmed on September 5, with around 160,000 party members to pick the winner in a postal ballot