The long, bumpy, journey to success from everyone’s favourite Lannister

Re-live Peter Dinklage’s incredible 2012 Bennington College commencement address to find inspiration during this crazy entrepreneurial journey

Much like a young college graduate, when Founders start a company they often imagine the dream scenario quite vividly in their head. Working with cool people, building a badass product, and, of course, making money.

While not an entrepreneur, Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage gave an incredible (are we surprised it is amazing?) 2012 commencement address at Bennington College. In the address, he offers advice that is prescient to a young startup’s journey.

“When I sat where you are, I had so many dreams of where I wanted to go. Who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do. Theater companies I wanted to start with classmates, movies I wanted to be in, directors I wanted to work with, stories I needed to tell. It might take a little time, I thought, but it would happen.

When I sat, there, 22 years ago, what I didn’t want to think about was where I wanted to be tomorrow. What I would have to start to do tomorrow.”

Dinklage goes on to detail nearly a decade of working terrible jobs (and being scared to leave the terrible job for fear of change), not being able to afford rent, a cell phone or decent food.

As he describes in the speech, much of the problems sound romantic in a commencement address, but the lived experience, to put it bluntly, kind of sucks.

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The point of posting this video is to show that Dinklage’s journey is similar to the struggles of the average entrepreneur. Panelists and speakers always say, ‘it’s hard work’ but it is difficult to do justice to the experience with the word ‘hard’. Dinklage, in this speech, did just that.

So, if you’ve hit a rut today on the entrepreneurial journey, take a break, and find inspiration in the long, often bumpy journey of Tyrion Lannister.

We have fast forwarded the 30 minute video to the climax of the speech. But, the entire half an hour is worth a listen if only to understand the context for why Dinklage offers the advice.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

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