A look back at a month of pride celebrations

STORY: Here’s a look back on a vibrant pride month

Location: Caracas, Venezuela

Parades were a respite for many LGBTQ+ people who still face discrimination

[Yender / Dancer]

“This is a great opportunity to be free. We know the world is just a little inclusive because of everything that is going on in this country. We get this day to make the best out of it because on other days we have to hide due to all the discrimination.”

Location: Madrid, Spain

Madrid’s parade, one of the world's largest, fell weeks ahead of a crucial election

[Alex Perez / Madrid resident and student]

“It is very important to go and vote. Many things depend on these elections. We have seen in the regional elections and so on, that the right has gained a lot of power. It is very important that everyone goes to vote in an election because as a non-binary, trans and bisexual, many rights depends on this. Rights that we just got are in danger.”

Many worry that a change in government could jeapordize events like this high heel race

Location: Chennai, India

Pride celebrations in India were also politically charged

[Dharvika / Participant]

"We are all waiting on the same-sex marriage judgement and we really hope that it is in our favour because we deserve equal rights, we are also human beings with a preference, and I do not think that love should stand in our way of human rights, basic human rights."

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Attendance at Bangkok's parade more than doubled from last year

Other events included this massive wedding in Mexico

and this exhibit on men in love in Switzerland

[Hugh Nini / U.S. collector]

"Often people say things like, ‘well, it was so much worse back then than it is now.’ And in fact, it was not as bad back then – this is what we've discovered. It wasn't as bad back then. I think that a lot of people had a live and let live attitude towards same sex couples, men or women, either one."