Loose Women star rushed to A&E after "smeary" eye issue

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Loose Women star rushed to A&E after eye issueITV

Loose Women star Nadia Sawalha has revealed that she was rushed to hospital due to a medical issue with her eye.

Speaking on Friday's (February 9) version of the long-running ITV daytime chat show, Sawalha shared her experience with the panel.

"Last Thursday, I went to get my ears tested," she began to explain, "and wait for this guys, this is the first time ever I’ve been told I’ve got exceptional hearing."

nadia, loose women

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After heading home from her ear test, the original Loose Women panellist explained that, "Suddenly, [she] got this weird spidery thing go across [her] eye."

She continued: "Through the evening it got worse, and it got smeary, and I ended up reading covering up one eye, thought it was a bit weird and it would go in a minute. But it didn’t."

The following day, before the morning meeting for that day's version of Loose Women, she explained that she called the optician, who said: "Leave now and go straight to A&E."

After calling co-star Gloria Hunniford's eye surgeon friend, however, Sawalha was reassured that she didn't need to go to hospital immediately, but straight after the show, instead.

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Sawalha then shared her diagnosis: "The long and the short of it is, I’ve got an ageing eye! With everything else, the knees, the bladder, the hair, now it’s my eye!"

She added: "It is worrying, but it will be fine."

Sawalha is not the only Loose Women panellist to share a health update in the past few shows; Coleen Nolan recently updated viewers on a cancer scare.

She had previously announced she had been diagnosed with common skin cancer basal cell carcinoma, and offered fans a reassuring update and some advice: "And now I will not go out without SPF 50, even in the snow, even in the rain," she said.

Loose Women airs on weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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