Lori Vallow trial - live: Court hears JJ was suffocated with plastic bag after jail call ‘confession’ revealed

The trial of “doomsday cult mom” Lori Vallow is underway in Ada County Courthouse in Boise, Idaho, where the mother-of-three is accused of killing her two youngest children and her new husband Chad Daybell’s first wife.

The 49-year-old is charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy, and grand theft over the deaths of her daughter Tylee Ryan, 16, son Joshua “JJ” Vallow, 7, and Mr Daybell’s first wife Tammy, 49.

Tylee and JJ were last seen alive in September 2019. In June 2020, their remains were found buried on the Daybell property. Tammy died one month after their disappearance in October 2019.

There is huge interest in the case’s string of mysterious deaths and murders, and the related bizarre cult beliefs of those involved. Ms Vallow allegedly also conspired to murder her fourth husband Charles Vallow and is charged separately in a case in Arizona.

Today, jurors heard details of JJ’s autopsy and a cause of death was finally revealed — he had been suffocated with a plastic bag and duct tape.

Earlier, a recording of a devastating call between Ms Vallow and her sister was found to appear to include an admission she knew of the timing of her children’s deaths.

Key points

18:17 , Oliver O'Connell

Both the prosecution and defence are turning their monitors around and moving their seats to ensure no one in the public gallery can see the pictures as they are published. The jury has screens immediately in front of them and so this is not an issue for them.

18:09 , Oliver O'Connell

Judge Boyce reenters court and says the autopsy photos will only be published to the jury monitors and will not be displayed to the public gallery or media on the main screen of the courtroom.

17:56 , Oliver O'Connell

There is a sidebar out of the courtroom with Judge Boyce after the defence asks for the photos to be shown in black and white and not colour.

The prosecution objects saying that they should not be altered in any way.

17:50 , Oliver O'Connell

The defence objects to showing the photos to the jury, saying they may be considered prejudicial and not productive.

The state counters they are true and accurate representations of what actually happened to JJ.

Judge Boyce overrules the objection.

The autopsy photos are being admitted into evidence.

Court resumes after morning break

17:48 , Oliver O'Connell

Court is back in session and the prosecution is looking to admit photographs of the autopsy of JJ into evidence.

17:16 , Oliver O'Connell

Judge Boyce calls the mid-morning break.

17:16 , Oliver O'Connell

The toxicology report shows low levels of ethanol (alcohol), a drug called GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid — commonly known as a date rape drug), caffeine, and theobromine which can be found in cocoa and tea.

Woods asks about the amount of GHB found in JJ.

Dr Warren says, “inconclusive.” GHB can be found in tissues including livers postmortem and “there’s really no way for me to tell for sure whether this is just a naturally occurring product in the body that was there or if JJ was given GHB. I can’t say one way or another based on the levels.”

17:07 , Oliver O'Connell

WARNING: Graphic description

The clothes, bags, and duct tape were submitted to law enforcement with cuttings from JJ’s fingernails, samples for DNA, and swabs to determine if a sexual crime had been committed.

Injuries noted included a scratch and abrasion to the neck. Dr Warren notes that injuries to the neck are a red flag in autopsies and in this case it could have been JJ trying to get the bag off his head.

There was symmetrical bruising to his upper arms, and Dr Warren notes: “There were also other areas that were concerning or suspicious, bruising on the ankles that may have been associated with the duct tape.”

An internal exam showed no sign of disease on any of his organs. No blood or urine could be collected due to decomposition.

There was no sign of rib fractures and nothing unusual in the lungs. A full body x-ray showed no fractures or similar abnormalities.

17:01 , Oliver O'Connell

WARNING: Graphic description

Dr Warren says the cause of death for JJ Vallow was asphyxia by the application of a plastic bag over his head and duct tape over his mouth.

He had been bound with duct tape and there was bruising to his arms and abrasions to his neck.

JJ’s body was enclosed within a black plastic tarp held together with duct tape.

There was a white plastic bag over his head and it was wrapped around the face multiple times with tape down to the neck. His forearms, hands, and ankles were also bound with duct tape. He was wearing red pajamas and black socks.

Decomposition had begun as evidenced by the presence of fluid and mould.

16:56 , Oliver O'Connell

Dr Warren explains the process of performing an autopsy from unsealing the body bag and noting how the body is presented (clothes, evidence of medical intervention etc) through removing clothes and examining the corpse from head to toe, describing every feature and determining if there is any initial signs of a cause of death.

He then performs an internal exam of organs, blood, and other bodily fluids.

16:49 , Oliver O'Connell

Dr Warren investigates homicides, suicides, and accidents. There is an entire team that investigates these deaths. Their job is to determine why people die.

The Ada County Coroner’s Office also covers neighbouring Madison and Fremont Counties and conducts autopsies for deaths there. Dr Warren estimates he performs between 200-250 autopsies a year and in his time in Idaho a total of between 1,200 and 1,500 cases.

New witness: Dr Garth Warren, forensic pathologist

16:43 , Oliver O'Connell

The next witness for the prosecution is Ada County forensic pathologist Dr Garth Warren.

While it may be impossible to ever know the cause of death for Tylee due to the state of her remains, it is possible that an official cause of death for JJ may be revealed

16:39 , Oliver O'Connell

Defence attorney John Thomas is now cross-examining Agent Daniels. He again begins by asking about the witness’s experience.

Mr Daniels says that in his 13 years of experience, he has been to five to seven burials in Utah, Idaho, and Montana.

Asked whether he would consider this case one or two burials, he replies two due to the contrast he just described.

When asked about his experience within Idaho, Mr Daniels believes he has processed another burial scene on the Fort Hall Reservation, but adds he probably shouldn’t talk about specific cases.

Thomas says it goes to his credibility.

Mr Daniels says he has worked on other cases in Missoula and other cases involving human remains in a firepit.

Questioning turns to the logistics of the grid and the sifting process at the burial sites. Mr Daniels cannot recall if certain areas outside of the firepit were sifted with it or not.

Thomas asks why he doesn’t know after having three years to prepare. Agent Daniels says he hasn’t spoken about this specifically recently.

No further questions.

Agent Daniels is dismissed but not released from subpoena in case they need him to testify again later.

16:31 , Oliver O'Connell

WARNING: Graphic description

Prosecution attorney Woods asks Mr Daniels to contrast the sites of Tylee and JJ’s burials.

He says there was a big difference between JJ and Tylee's burial.

JJ’s remains were all in tact, wrapped in plastic bags, and very coordinated with rocks and wooden planks.

Tylee’s burial site was “a mass of organic material” that fell apart when the team went to uncover it.

“Such a big contrast for us as a team going from JJ’s — how precise everything was placed. Versus Tylee’s melted, charred, mass... how that was placed in that burial.”

No further questions from the prosecution.

16:15 , Oliver O'Connell

All of the photos shown in court are submitted as evidence for the jury to consider later during their deliberations.

There is an objection from the defence that admitting another batch of photos of the graves and excavation is “cumulative”, but Judge Boyce overrules the objection saying he believes it would assist the jury.

The photos are entered into evidence.

16:07 , Oliver O'Connell

Despite the discovery of Tylee’s body being discussed first in Agent Daniels’s testimony, her remains were found second.

“Once we found JJ’s remains, we knew Tylee was around here somewhere. Was Tylee buried underneath JJ? We had to be very careful,” he says.

16:05 , Oliver O'Connell

WARNING: Graphic description

The careful excavation of the site continues with shovels, rakes, and metal trowels. Closer to the body, wooden and clay tools are used to not cause any further damage.

Another photo is shown of the wider excavation sire. The small body is wrapped in black plastic and bound with duct tape. The white plastic bag is over the head.

A photo of the completed excavation is shown to the court showing the entire body bag. Once the body is removed, an empty grave is shown with moisture at the base, showing the decomposition process had begun.

JJ was killed on 23 September 2019 and the excavation took place on 9 June 2020.

15:59 , Oliver O'Connell

Mr Daniels says he removed some of the soil by hand revealing black plastic.

“I made an oval shape in the ground and it has the feel of a human skull. That’s what I presume it is,” he says.

“It’s tight to whatever is inside. I had to pull that black plastic bag off and make a razor blade cut to the bag.”

Within the black plastic is white plastic. Upon cutting that open, he finds human hair.

“That’s the point we decide these are human remains. This becomes burial site number one and it is JJ’s burial site,” Agent Daniels says.

Photos of the excavation are shown to the court showing the hair visible through the cut in the white plastic.

Lori does not look up once.

15:52 , Oliver O'Connell

Mr Daniels describes a raised berm with shorter grass and vegetation on it when compared to the surrounding area.

Upon removing the top layer of soil at least four large rocks were found.

“This was a good indication that this was a burial due to the precise manner the rocks were placed,” Agent Daniels says.

Once the rocks were removed there was wood paneling underneath, as was described in earlier testimony.

Mr Daniels says that out of all of the burials he has uncovered, this was the most precise.

“I’ve probably excavated approximately five to seven burials. Out of all of those burials, this is the most precise — somebody’s taken the most effort to bury these remains,” he says.

The stones and panels are there to stop wildlife from digging up the remains, he explains. The raised berm would eventually sink as the body decomposes, leveling out the land.

15:48 , Oliver O'Connell

Judge Boyce is on the bench and the jurors are brought into the courtroom.

Madison County prosecuting attorney Rob Wood resumes questioning Agent Daniels. The court is once again shown the overhead view of Chad Daybell’s property where the bodies of Tylee and JJ were discovered.

Mr Daniels is discussing the first burial site, where JJ’s bound corpse was found wrapped in plastic near a tree.


15:37 , Oliver O'Connell

Both the prosecution and defence attorneys are meeting with Judge Boyce in his chambers.

Lori Vallow is sitting alone at the defence table and Agent Daniels has taken the stand.

The jury has not yet been brought in.

Court to resume shortly

15:21 , Oliver O'Connell

FBI Special Agent Steve Daniels will resume his testimony when court gets underway at 830am MT.

Yesterday, Agent Daniels gave graphic testimony of the search for and unearthing of Tylee’s remains at Chad Daybell’s property. He began to talk about where JJ’s body was found when Judge Steven Boyce adjourned court for the day.

Yesterday: Lori Vallow trial hears devastating call with sister saying she treated children’s bodies ‘like garbage’

15:10 , Oliver O'Connell

The trial of “doomsday cult mom” Lori Vallow has been played a devastating jailhouse call in which her sister accused her of throwing her murdered children “away like garbage.”

An Idaho court heard Summer Shiflet sobbing uncontrollably in audio of a video call she made with her sister as she sat behind bars on 24 June 2020.

In the call, Ms Shiflet told her sister that Tylee and JJ’s bodies had been found in Ms Vallow’s backyard, with Tylee’s being discovered in a pet cemetery.

“Did you know they were there?” Ms Shiflet asked her sister, to which she replied, ”I can’t talk about it.”

Read the story here:

Vallow trial hears devastating call with sister after discovery of children’s bodies

What we know about the doomsday cult:

14:00 , Rachel Sharp

At the centre of the string of alleged murders and mystery deaths stands the couple’s bizarre doomsday cult.

Chad Daybell ran a publishing company that put out books about apocalyptic scenarios loosely based on the theology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Lori Vallow followed his books for some time, before the pair finally met in person at a religious conference in Utah in October 2018.

At this point, investigators say their relationship became romantic.

And as their relationship grew more intense, so too did their apocalyptic beliefs.

Charles Vallow claimed in divorce documents that Ms Vallow believed she was a god-like figure chosen to carry out the work of 144,000 believers.

Multiple friends cited in police reports say that the couple believed they could drive out evil spirits and seek revelations from “beyond the spiritual veil”.

Ms Vallow even believed she could teleport between Arizona and Hawaii, according to documents.

But – most chillingly – the couple allegedly believed that people, including JJ and Tylee, had become “zombies”.

They allegedly had a scoring system for ranking how far people’s souls had gone from good to evil.

The only way to then rid an individual of the zombies would be for them to die, according to documents.

Prosecutors believe that Ms Vallow and Mr Daybell used these beliefs to further their plots to kill JJ, Tylee and Tammy.

Cult mom’s chilling internet searches and trove of burner phones revealed

13:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Chilling internet searches have revealed that “doomsday cult mom” Lori Vallow shopped for life insurance policies for her children two months before they were murdered and buried on her new lover Chad Daybell’s property.

FBI analyst Nicole Heideman took the stand at Ms Vallow’s murder trial in Ada County Courthouse in Boise, Idaho, on Monday to testify about the shocking discoveries on the 49-year-old’s cellphones, email addresses and online search history.

Rachel Sharp reports.

Cult mom Lori Vallow’s chilling internet searches revealed

Who was Alex Cox?

13:00 , Rachel Sharp

Alex Cox was Ms Vallow’s brother – who mysteriously died in December 2019.

Cox is also Ms Vallow and Mr Daybell’s alleged accomplice and co-conspirator in the murders of Tylee, JJ andTammy.

He also shot dead Ms Vallow’s fourth husband Charles Vallow in July 2019.

Alex Cox died suddenly in December 2019 – two months after allegedly conspiring to murder the children

In December 2019 – just as Tammy’s body was being exhumed by authorities – Cox died suddenly aged 51.

His death has been ruled natural causes, with indications of a blood clot wedged in the arteries of his lungs. However, the overdose drug Narcan was also found in his system.

Alex Cox (File)
Alex Cox (File)

ICYMI: Lori Vallow confronted by best friend in secret recording

12:30 , Oliver O'Connell

A phone call between “cult mom” Lori Vallow and her former best friend was played in court during her ongoing trial for the murders of two of her children.

Two weeks ago, prosecutors played a phone conversation between Mr Daybell, Ms Vallow and her then-best friend Melanie Gibb, who was on the stand testifying for the state.

Andrea Blanco reports on what was said.

Lori Vallow confronted by best friend about JJ lies in secret recording

Lori Vallow trial hears devastating call with sister saying she treated children’s bodies ‘like garbage’

12:00 , Rachel Sharp

The trial of “doomsday cult mom” Lori Vallow has been played a devastating jailhouse call in which her sister accused her of throwing her murdered children “away like garbage.”

An Idaho court heard Summer Shiflet sobbing uncontrollably in audio of a video call she made with her sister as she sat behind bars on 24 June 2020.

In the call, Ms Shiflet told her sister that Tylee and JJ’s bodies had been found in Ms Vallow’s backyard, with Tylee’s being discovered in a pet cemetery.

“Did you know they were there?” Ms Shiflet asked her sister, to which she replied, ”I can’t talk about it.”

Read the story here:

Vallow trial hears devastating call with sister after discovery of children’s bodies

Lori Vallow’s chilling response to question about missing daughter

11:30 , Oliver O'Connell

A former friend of Lori Vallow has revealed the “cult mom’s” chilling response after being confronted about her missing teen daughter.

Andrea Blanco reports.

Lori Vallow’s chilling response to question about missing Tylee revealed

LISTEN: Detective testimony in full

11:10 , Rachel Sharp

Lori Vallow’s uncle chokes up with emotion outside court

10:38 , Rachel Sharp

Lori Vallow’s uncle choked up with emotion outside Ada County Courthouse this week as he said the past four years had been “very difficult” for the families.

Rex Conner told East Idaho News that he was overwhelmed with the support for his family from around the world as they seek to get justice for JJ and Tylee.

“What’s hit me more than anything is an overwhelming feeling of gratitude to see how many people are involved in trying to get justice for Tylee and JJ and Tammy and Charles,” he said.

“I know a lot of people it’s their job but… so many people are going above and beyond just the 9-5 aspect of it so it’s very gratifying.”

‘You ripped my heart out,’ surviving son tells Lori Vallow

09:30 , Oliver O'Connell

On day six of testimony in the trial of “cult mom” Lori Vallow, the jury heard a recording of a phone call between the defendant and her eldest son from the early months of her incarceration.

Colby Ryan, Ms Vallow’s son from her second marriage, was called a witness for the prosecution. He is her only surviving child following the murders of daughter Tylee, 16, and adopted son JJ, 7, in September 2019.

In the emotional call between mother and son, Ms Vallow refused to switch on her camera, while Mr Ryan demanded to know whether Jesus had really told her to murder his siblings.


Lori Vallow trial hears gut-wrenching prison call with surviving son Colby Ryan

Lori Vallow’s cousin reveals haunting fear about Tylee and JJ’s murders

07:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Lori Vallow’s estranged cousin has revealed one of her most haunting fears about the murders for which the so-called “cult mom” is currently on trial.

Megan Eyden, whose father is Ms Vallow’s uncle, spoke out about the bombshell case in an interview with NewsNation’s Ashleigh Banfield aired Friday night.

Megan Sheets reports.

Lori Vallow’s cousin reveals haunting fear about children’s murders

Who are the key players in the Lori Vallow trial?

05:30 , Oliver O'Connell

It’s a sprawling case spanning Idaho, Arizona, and Hawaii. Here’s a who’s who of the key players.

Who are the key players in Lori Vallow’s trial?

Bizarre moments from Lori Vallow’s murder trial

03:30 , Oliver O'Connell

As with many trials, beyond the testimony, there have also been some bizarre happenings taking place inside the courtroom, Rachel Sharp reports.

Bizarre moments from Lori Vallow’s murder trial

Lori Vallow trial hears devastating call with sister saying she treated children’s bodies ‘like garbage’

02:34 , Graeme Massie

‘You threw Tylee in a pet cemetery like a piece of garbage,’ sister Summer Shiflet told murder accused.

Vallow trial hears devastating call with sister after discovery of children’s bodies

Court hears of Vallow’s chilling internet searches and trove of burner phones

01:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Chilling internet searches have revealed that “doomsday cult mom” Lori Vallow shopped for life insurance policies for her children two months before they were murdered and buried on her new lover Chad Daybell’s property.

Rachel Sharp has the details.

Cult mom Lori Vallow’s chilling internet searches revealed

Key revelations from Lori Vallow’s murder trial so far

Tuesday 25 April 2023 23:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Rachel Sharp has compiled this list of some of the key revelations to date in the trial...

Cult beliefs and charred remains: Key revelations from Lori Vallow’s murder trial

Court adjourns for the day

Tuesday 25 April 2023 22:29 , Oliver O'Connell

Judge Boyce says testimony will conclude for the day and Agent Daniels will return to the stand tomorrow morning.

The trial will resume at 830am MT on Wednesday.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 22:27 , Oliver O'Connell

Agent Daniels now talks about JJ’s burial site. He observed a raised berm near a pond with shorter grass than the surrounding area.

Police went layer by layer to remove the earth from the site. More photos are shown including one of three big rocks that were found under the upper layers of soil.

“This is screaming to me as a team leader that something is odd. Something shouldn’t be here,” Agent Daniels says.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 22:23 , Oliver O'Connell

A search of the barn was then conducted as with a burial, tools are obviously necessary.

They found four shovels and a pick axe, as well as a green bucket and two white buckets. The shovels were dirty and could have been used in and around a fire. They were turned over to Rexburg PD.

The pick axe had “material” on the blade portion. Photos of the tools are shown to the court.

Other equipment of note included pruning shears, a saw, and an axe.

More tools were found in the garage (a shovel, two axes, a hoe, and a posthole digger) and some of those were also seized, as were bricks similar in size to those found with Tylee.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 22:15 , Oliver O'Connell

After all the remains had been collected the backhoe dug deeper and wider into the site to ensure nothing had been missed. For context, the bucket had been found approximately two feet down.

“This was especially important on JJ’s burial. His was the first burial we found and we wanted to make sure Tylee’s remains weren’t in the same area.”

Tuesday 25 April 2023 22:11 , Oliver O'Connell

WARNING: Graphic description

The search continued on 10 June, with a sifting operation set up to try and find more possible remains in the ground.

Eventually, they hit what they realise is “a mass of a human - dismembered, melted”, underneath which were a green bucket and a partial skull.

“It took a while for us as investigators to figure out what happened here — what is this,” Agent Daniels says.

After having documented the scene they tried to lift the remains out and they just fell apart. The anthropologist and coroner conducted an inventory of which body parts they had.

Agent Daniels says an assessment had to be made: “How many pieces are we still looking for or do we think we have everything we need to take?”

More close-up photos are shown as evidence.

Agent Daniels says it was unclear if it was one person or two, so the inventory was especially important.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 21:59 , Oliver O'Connell

WARNING: Graphic description

As the digging continued a hard substance like concrete was uncovered in the dirt and the backhoe was used to remove it.

Beneath that, they discovered charred and pink flesh. An anthropologist on site identified the remains as human. They removed the piece and laid them out on a blue tarp.

Photos are being shown to the court. Lori has reportedly not looked up once.

Another photo shows more pieces of remains.

“You can see the bigger bones sticking out of the ground,” Agent Daniels says and describes her remains as “melted together” in the ground.

The remains were placed in a body bag, given to the coroner, and removed from the scene.

Court resumes following afternoon break

Tuesday 25 April 2023 21:54 , Oliver O'Connell

WARNING: Graphic description

As the excavation of the site where Tylee was discovered continued a backhoe was brought in. They had initially found dog and cat remains using hand tools, but the backhoe allowed them to cover more area.

A photo is shown of a piece of what is described by those in court as a pice of vertebrae that was uncovered. A second bone was also found.

“With the size of the bone being found... I could also smell an odor I could associate with human remains decomposing so between this bone being found and a second bone being found the decision was then made not to use the tractor anymore,” Agent Daniels says.

The odor got stronger the more they dug and some bricks were also uncovered before more bones were found and they knew they had discovered a grave.

It was unclear what the bones were but they were much bigger than those previously discovered.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 21:38 , Oliver O'Connell

In this aerial photo, investigators search for human remains at Chad Daybell’s property in June 2020 (Post Register no sales no mags)
In this aerial photo, investigators search for human remains at Chad Daybell’s property in June 2020 (Post Register no sales no mags)

Tuesday 25 April 2023 21:19 , Oliver O'Connell

Judge Boyce calls for the afternoon recess.

The trial will resume in 15-20 minutes.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 21:16 , Oliver O'Connell

As ash and earth is removed from the fire pit it is sifted for evidence such as bone fragments, organic material, jewelry, etc.

They found a necklace chain as well as cloth and fabric in the firepit.

As the scene was processed, the smell became overpowering. A soil sample was taken.

A charm was also found in the grass near the firepit, not in the pit itself.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 21:06 , Oliver O'Connell

A series of maps, photographs and overhead images of the property are entered into evidence.

Agent Daniels points out the fire pit, burial sites of the children, and other key points.

A photo from Chad’s bedroom window shows that you can see JJ’s burial site from there as well as from the kitchen window.

Photos taken at the firepit show there are disturbances in the earth before any search was undertaken.

Det Daniels says that when he noticed there were impression in the ground at the pet cemetery, he told his team to start processing the area.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 20:49 , Oliver O'Connell

The ERT was asked to help come up with a search strategy to execute a search warrant on 9-10 June 2020 at the Daybell property. They were looking for human remains and other evidence of crime.

They had prepared for about a week’s work and there were eight team members present who were all given a role.

After an initial walkthrough, areas of priority were established for the search — the firepit, the pet cemetery, the pond, and various sheds and outbuildings. Agent Daniels says they wanted to look at the whole 3-4 acres.

Among the technology used was a drone. Some 500-700 photos were also taken during the serving of the search warrant.

New witness: Steve Daniels, FBI

Tuesday 25 April 2023 20:37 , Oliver O'Connell

The next witness is Steve Daniels, a special agent with the FBI with 25 years of experience.

He is the senior leader of the evidence response team (ERT).

Tuesday 25 April 2023 20:35 , Oliver O'Connell

Defence attorney John Thomas begins cross-examination of Det Schmitt by asking about the storage unit surveillance videos. He says he reviewed them most recently one month ago.

Asking about the sport club, Thomas asks how people sign into the club, and Det Schmitt says it is done on an honour system with nobody monitoring it.

Thomas asks whether it is an assumption that C Quint is Alex Cox (it’s also the name on his vehicle registration), he confirms it is. There was no follow-up investigation to ask if anyone saw Alex there.

Det Schmitt confirms he was in the firepit area when the teeth, bone, and flesh were found.

No further questions.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 20:32 , Oliver O'Connell

After Chad was arrested, he was transferred to the Fremont County Jail. He was released.

Det Schmitt returned to the Daybell property where he was assigned to help search the fireput and pet cemetery.

He found teeth and burned pieces of flesh and bone.

Some of the dirt was pretty hard and it appeared as if concrete or cement had been put in the ground. A backhoe was called in and eventually, officers found a melted green bucket that contained Tylee's remains.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 20:29 , Oliver O'Connell

On 9 June 2020, as police searched Chad Daybell’s property, Det Schmitt was assigned the task of keeping an eye on Chad in case he decided to try to leave the property.

“At one point in time when the search dogs were on the scene, Chad got out of his vehicle that was parked in the driveway in front of his house. They were searching the area where JJ’s remains were found and Chad was facing toward that direction.”

Lt Ron Ball and Det Ray Hermosillo then came over to talk with Chad.

Det Schmitt recalls: “At some point in time, Chad went back into his house. He came out with a backpack and got into his vehicle. He sat there in his vehicle and then drove across the street to his daughter’s house. After some time, Chad came out of Emma’s house, got in his vehicle and started going south on 1900 East in Fremont County.”

Chad was stopped and arrested.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 20:26 , Oliver O'Connell

In January 2020, Det Schmitt visited the Unified Sportsman Club - a firing range.

Alex had signed in there under different names including his own and C Quint, as well as just Alex. He used the name C Quint multiple times over the month of October 2019. He also signed in on 3 September but there is no paper record of that.

Court resumes after lunch

Tuesday 25 April 2023 20:13 , Oliver O'Connell

Lunch is over and Judge Boyce is back on the bench.

The jury is brought in and prosecutor Rachel Smith resumes questioning of Det Rick Schmitt, formerly of Rexburg PD, about the self-storage facility visited on multiple occasions by Lori, Chad and Alex.

He says on one occasion Alex took a long rifle case and a bunch of totes to the facility. On 22 October he took out a gun storage case and tote, and on 28 October he took four gun cases. Chad was with him on that visit.

Lori Vallow’s chilling internet search history

Tuesday 25 April 2023 19:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Chilling internet searches have revealed that “doomsday cult mom” Lori Vallow shopped for life insurance policies for her children two months before they were murdered and buried on her new lover Chad Daybell’s property.

FBI analyst Nicole Heideman took the stand at Ms Vallow’s murder trial in Ada County Courthouse in Boise, Idaho, on Monday to testify about the shocking discoveries on the 49-year-old’s cellphones, email addresses and online search history.

Rachel Sharp reports.

Cult mom Lori Vallow’s chilling internet searches revealed

Timeline of the Lori Vallow case

Tuesday 25 April 2023 19:25 , Oliver O'Connell

Confused by the twists and turns of the case? Here’s a timeline of what happened and when:

Timeline of the Lori Vallow Daybell case

Tuesday 25 April 2023 19:12 , Oliver O'Connell

Court breaks for lunch.

The trial will resume at 1pm MT.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 19:10 , Oliver O'Connell

Alex was not seen in the video but the following day was when he and Lori came back to pick up the back seat and spare tire.

On 2 October, Brandon Boudreaux, the ex-husband of Lori’s niece Melanie Pawlowski, is shot at in a drive-by shooting in Arizona but escapes unscathed.

The assailant is driving a grey Jeep Wrangler with the back tire removed.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 19:07 , Oliver O'Connell

On 2 February 2020, Det Schmitt joined Det Kunsaitis, who testified earlier in the trial, and went to the self-storage facility which Chad, Lori, and Alex had visited many times.

Video surveillance showed the three visiting at different times to pick up things from the unit.

In footage from the beginning of October, he saw Lori putting a box and tote inside the unit. On On 2 October, he saw Lori and Chad going into the unit bringing in the Jeep spare tire and backseat from the Wrangler.

Tuesday 25 April 2023 19:04 , Oliver O'Connell

On 8 January 2020, he received video footage from the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office that showed the entrance of Yellowstone National Park on 8 September 2019.

“I was looking for a blue Nissan Rogue, a Silver Ford pickup or a gray Jeep Wrangler.”

He saw a vehicle that looked like the pickup truck. Further video showed Alex, Lori and the children at the park on that day.