‘Love Is Blind’ Season 6 Reunion Was the Super Bowl of Drama


When it comes to the reunion game, Love Is Blind can be very hit-or-miss. Sometimes there’s some juicy drama, and sometimes it’s a complete dud. But going into the Season 6 reunion, I think we all knew things were going to get wild. The love triangles have been running rampant on screen, and every week Love Is Blind Reddit has been on fire with gossip.

Sure enough, Wednesday’s catch-up was a marathon drama-rama—a veritable cornucopia of arguments, intrigue, and teasers for Netflix seasons to come. This time around, co-hosts Nick and Vanessa Lachey really delivered—and not just with their humorous intro at the beginning. Here are the biggest reveals. (Warning—spoilers ahead!)

‘Love Is Blind’ Finale Recap: Guys, Stop Faking Out Your Fiancées!

Jeramey and Sarah Ann are together... I think?!

The main thing we all learned from this reunion is that pretty much no one in Love Is Blind Nation seems to like Jeramey and Sarah Ann—to the point that any time the camera cut their way, everyone either went dead silent or leaned over to the person next to them to start whispering. Jeramey infamously spent the day with his pod fiancée Laura’s family only to stay out that night past 5 a.m. He shared his location with her, which revealed that he’d gone to Sarah Ann (his pod ex’s) house. Things devolved quickly from there, and the couple broke up at the show’s lakeside reunion, where Jeramey and Sarah Ann proceeded to go on a very disrespectful jet ski ride together.

Jeramey clearly knew he was in for a roasting, so he showed up in his Hawaiian shirt—alone, at first—while saying, “I figured we’d just go full send on this.” (Viewers will undoubtedly recall that Laura hated his shirts.) Before long, Sarah Ann trotted out to confirm what we all probably figured out long ago: They’ve been together for a year and now live together.

Then again... are they? Do they? Chelsea made sure to point out that both times she’s seen Jeramey since production wrapped, he’s said that he and Sarah Ann are broken up. Still, the couple insists that, although they’ve had their “ups and downs,” they’re still together. But then, Nick and Vanessa rolled a clip from Sarah Ann’s Instagram, in which she called the show “entertainment” and said that in that department, she and Jeramey “didn’t miss.”

In the end, Vanessa delivered the coup de grace, telling Jeramey and Sarah Ann that the show did not make a mockery of Laura—“This situation did.”

If there was one lesson we learned during this reunion, it was that anyone who dares—nay, deigns—to threaten the sanctity of Love Is Blind will face the wrath of the Lacheys.

Laura is still mad

Laura, meanwhile, is still convinced that Jeramey never would have even admitted to being at Sarah Ann’s home if she hadn’t checked his location. She also claimed during the reunion that Sarah Ann colluded in the same lie. “I shoulda been on the front porch waiting for your ass at 6 a.m.,” she said as the room broke out into applause. (If anyone won this reunion, it’s either Laura or AD; more on the latter in a second.)

Understandably, Laura—who conference-called into the reunion from a work trip to Barcelona like a boss—seized the opportunity to call her ex a clown on international streaming television. She also accused Sarah Ann of basically asking her for advice on dating Jeramey during that poolside reunion, which, wouldn’t you know it, she actually did not appreciate. But perhaps the best part came when she aired Jeramey out for telling her that he worried his dalliance with Sarah Ann would leave him looking “worse than Jimmy.” Jeramey tried to deny this, but then Jimmy himself jumped in to remind him of the time Jeramey said (in front of Jimmy himself!) that “at least I can sleep at night knowing Jimmy’s the villain.”

Jeramey, what the hell were you doing this season? Anyway, good on him and Sarah Ann for apologizing, I guess.

essica Vestal, Clay Gravesend, and AD Smith listen in a photo in a still from the ‘Love is Blind’ reunion

Sarah Ann, Jess, Clay, and AD.


Trevor got roasted

Remember that thing I said about the awful fate that befalls anyone who violates the preciousness of Love Is Blind? Trevor faced that same wrath.

It turns out, this man had a full-on relationship—or, according to him, a situationship that never involved “I love you”s—both before and after coming on the show. Nick and Vanessa treated us all to screenshots of their “Pumpkin”-filled texts and I gotta say, not even a very good mullet could’ve saved him. Trevor looked utterly frozen, and before his evisceration was even over, he asked to leave the reunion. It was awkward as hell.

“Her and I were so fucking toxic,” Trevor said, of the woman he’d been with.

“So toxic that you got out of the pods and said, ‘I’m going to marry you?’” Nick asked, with the gravity of a Spanish inquisitor. Trevor conceded that he needed “a lot of therapy,” and Chelsea noted that she’d gotten a feeling about him in the pods that made her hesitant. Apparently, her instinct was right.

In the end, Trevor promised Chelsea all the explanations and closure she needed off-camera—an offer she seemed to genuinely appreciate. They parted on good terms, even if Nick and Vanessa weren’t ready to forgive Trevor just yet.

“Participating in Love Is Blind, it’s really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Nick lectured. “We do not want people to come here motivated by fame... For people who come here with ulterior motives, we gotta call you out for it.”

AD and Clay are through, but he’s in therapy

Clay and AD seem to be on decent terms with one another after he declined to marry her during the season finale but said he was “still rocking” with her. (UGH!!!) Apparently, it took weeks before they spoke again, although Clay did apologize to his ex-fiancée’s mother and sisters for disrespecting their openness and their time.

Although their relationship appears amicable, AD’s face was an ever-shifting canvas of emotions as Clay discussed the “work” he’s done in therapy to “be a better person” since they parted ways. “You are the love of my life,” he said, “and it was a mistake.”

Understandably, she did not seem to love that either: “Hearing him say it was a mistake, it’s like, what am I supposed to do with that information?”

These two clearly still respect each other, and I could even see a world in which they might try dating again, but it seems like it would take a very long time to get there in a healthy way, if it ever happened. That said, Clay’s remorse seemed sincere, especially when he began crying on stage.

‘Love Is Blind’ Is Out to Make Us All Hate Marriage

Chelsea and Jimmy are happily not together

Of all the participants, Chelsea and Jimmy might’ve been the most impressive to watch during the reunion. While they are both clearly happy to no longer be together, they also managed to be respectful of one another while holding their own during disagreements.

Jimmy revealed that one of his friends is still angry at him after Chelsea disclosed their sexual fling—something he’d told her in confidence—on camera. Chelsea, in turn, seemed genuinely sorry for having revealed it the way that she did. The best part, however, was when our hosts asked Chelsea about comparing herself to Megan Fox, and she shot back, “Did you bring her? That’s all I ask.” All in all, these two seem to be thriving apart, and we love that for them.

Jess is pissed at Jimmy

While Chelsea and Jimmy might be copacetic, the same might not be true for Jimmy and his pod ex, Jess—who said she was “infuriated” with him over a recent interview in which he threw her “under the bus.” She said that in the interview, Jimmy claimed she’d “hammered” him about wanting to explore his other connections and that she’d “stormed” out of their final date after just 10 minutes.

This is where Jimmy started to lose all the brownie points he’d gained during his segment with Chelsea. He said that Jess’s “tone of voice” had upset him, and while he granted that the date might’ve lasted 45 minutes, it “felt” like 10 to him. Jess begged the producers to bring out the receipts, and in a brilliant stroke of editing, they did; in fact, the date lasted a good hour and twenty minutes before the two took a break. By the time Jess officially clocked out of the date, they’d been going for a full two hours and 13 minutes. Whoops!

Kenneth and Brittany are somehow BFFs

These two poor souls had to wait until the audience questions started before they could speak. As Brittany quipped, “Finally, we get our time!” The question: Did they ever think about having sex to see if it created “the crave,” as they put it, that had been missing between them?

“Going into this, I made a promise to myself,” Brittany said, explaining that “my thing is that [sexual intimacy] is a supplement... I should not have to first test that out to make my decision. I wanted to be 100% confident, and that was my choice.”

Fair enough! But also, why the hell was Kenneth on his phone all the damn time once they got back from the Dominican Republic? According to Kenneth himself, he’s basically just too good of a principal. At the end of the day, he didn’t know how to balance his job responsibilities with his relationship. That might be true, but it’s still a pretty crappy excuse, at least in this recapper’s book.

“I own it,” Kenneth said. “I was on my phone a lot!” So at least there’s that. Still, he insisted, “When people say, ‘He just didn’t care,’ like, no. That was not the case. I came to Clay in shambles [after the break-up].”

The good news, however, is that Kenneth and Brittany are still on stellar terms. In fact, they confirmed that they still speak nearly every day. “The bond that we have is gonna last for an eternity,” Brittany said, “and I’m happy with that.” Alrighty, then!

Chelsea Blackwell, Jimmy Presnell, Brittany Mills, and Kenneth Gorham sit on a couch in a still from the ‘Love is Blind’ reunion

Chelsea, Jimmy, Brittany, and Kenneth.


Everyone is apparently pregnant

In addition to this season’s alumni, the reunion also gathered a bunch of former participants from other seasons. Colleen and Matt, Brett and Tiffany, Brennon and Alexa, Kwame and Chelsea, and Giannina and her new beau (and Bachelor alum Blake Horstmann) were all present, along with single former participants Izzy and Micah.

The reason that many of these cast members gathered, it seems, is so that Vanessa could fawn over their pregnancies: Alexa, Giannina, and Bliss (who was not present) are all expecting. Alexa announced that she and Brennon are also looking for a house “so we can put the baby somewhere.” Mazel!

AD actually went out with Matthew... twice!

This one was actually wild: Apparently, AD decided to go on not one but two dates with the guy who told her and a fellow participant all the same things in the pods, including that he wanted to ask their fathers for permission to marry them. The first date was mostly him apologizing, she revealed, and during their second date, he cooked for her.

“Lowkey, he’s cute, y’all,” AD told everyone, before throwing in a “... respectfully!” for Clay’s benefit. But once the Lacheys asked whether or not he’s a good cook, the platitudes went out the window: “It was rice and chicken,” AD said, clearly not impressed. The relationship apparently fizzled out because they have different lifestyles. Based on what we saw during the show, that seems like it’s probably for the best!

The other Chelsea (remember her?!) works for the show now

Chelsea apparently casts for Love Is Blind now, which she says has “truly been a blessing” for her and Kwame. It’s allowed them to travel to all sorts of places, but what he really values are the trips to DC to see his family. After the up-and-down rollercoaster of a season they had together, it’s actually really nice to see these two thriving!

Jess, Micah, and Izzy are headed to another Netflix dating show

And because no one can resist a good teaser, Netflix couldn’t let us go without dropping one last tantalizing tidbit: Jess, Micah, and Izzy are all headed onto Perfect Match Season 2. Micah and Jess have apparently become fast friends, and Izzy says he’s fixed his credit score. But has he finally bought silverware and plates? I guess we’ll have to tune back into Perfect Match to find out.

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