LPL player of the week: Zhu “NaMei” Jia-Wen

The LPL is truly a joy for my eyes as an AD carry main, especially when I’m able to see players like Namei dominate. And this week, he certainly didn’t disappoint, with oddball item picks and his ability to hard-carry on display. Check out the graph below for a few more statistics and highlights.

As much as I enjoyed watching Lucian pop his Hextech Gunblade every now and then, I also think it was quite a questionable item to build, however Namei was so incredibly ahead that it did not really matter in the end. As far as game one is concerned, it was a one man show, which is exactly where EDG’s AD carry feels like a fish in the water.

Undoubtedly, Namei’s spotlight was split in a half during game two, as his teammate U managed to put on quite a spectacle with his Syndra. That did not faze Namei, as he went for yet another interesting item choice: Mobility Boots. His performance in lane as Twitch was amazing and I believe that was the main reason for his item choice. It was a sneaky move; one that allowed Namei to roam the map at a fast pace, picking up kills and assists everywhere he went.

His game on Corki is worth mentioning as well as it is not a champion we see a lot in China. There is an active discussion between Corki players, whether to choose Sorc Boots or Berserker’s Greaves. At the very moment, I strongly believe Namei’s choice was correct, as the extra magic penetration synergises extremely well with the Trinity Force Rush and despite all the boosts to attack speed items, they are still not worth investing into on caster AD carries.

Overall, I enjoyed his game as Twitch way more than the one as Lucian. Namei really showed us how Twitch should be played as his team kept creating picks, which continued to turn into valuable kills. One simple change in the form of Mobility Boots skyrocketed the amount of pressure Twitch put on all lanes. It seems like EDG is slowly putting all the pieces together as the team’s movement and map control gets better and better by the week.

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