M3GAN's unseen version brings more gore and swearing

M3GAN was a huge hit at the box office back in January, leading to a sequel being announced straightaway, yet there was a feeling from horror fans that our new favourite killer android had been somewhat sanitised.

Sure, M3GAN definitely killed a few people and we did get that stretchy ear moment, but it was all relatively bloodless, even cutting away from the gore at one moment. Writer Akela Cooper later confirmed that the original version of the movie had been more brutal.

"It was way gorier. Her body count in the script was higher than in the movie," she explained.

"It wasn't a Gabriel [in Malignant]-scale massacre, but she did kill a bunch more people, including a couple of characters whom [producer James Wan] was like, 'I like what you did with those people, but I want them to live'. I was merciless, but again, that is me."

M3GAN has now been unleashed in our homes in the UK and the release has come with an added extra of an "Unseen Edition" of the horror hit. So we thought we'd dive into it to see just how different the new version is.

Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen M3GAN yet.

M3GAN Unseen Edition changes: What's different about it?

In truth, the movie largely remains the same in the new version. There are no new scenes added, M3GAN doesn't add to her list of victims and everything pans out in the same way plot-wise.

If you're after a bit of blood though, you definitely get that. There's more gory details with Brandon getting his earlobe ripped off and Celia's power washer demise goes on longer, featuring added cheek decomposing shots.

The bloodiest change comes in the demise of David and Kurt when M3GAN breaks out of the Funki office.


Watch M3GAN Unseen Edition on Prime Video

While the method hasn't changed, there's additional gore when M3GAN stabs David through the chest, with Kurt's face (and the elevator) soaked in blood. We also see M3GAN cut Kurt's throat with the paper cutter blade, leading to more blood gushing if you needed some extra gore.

The theatrical version of this stand-out scene is almost totally bloodless and always felt like the blood had been drained from it. So it's certainly an improvement with the newer version – obviously gore doesn't make a movie, but it makes it feel more authentic.

Aside from this additional gore, the biggest change in M3GAN's Unseen Edition is in the amount of swearing, specifically F-bombs. The theatrical version had a couple of naughty words, but there's a considerable leap in those here with David delivering a lot of them.

They don't really add anything, although there is one impactful change during the final confrontation between M3GAN and Allison. Instead of threatening Allison by saying she'll "rip your head right off your neck", M3GAN now says: "I'll tear your head right off your f**king neck."

Like with the extra blood, this particular change just makes M3GAN seem more of an unleashed murderous android than she was in the theatrical cut where, sure, she killed a lot, but never felt truly menacing or cold-blooded.

Overall, M3GAN's Unseen Edition might not change the movie totally or even add anything brand new. But if you're after a bit of blood to go with M3GAN's killer dance moves, it'll satisfy that urge.

M3GAN Unseen Edition is available to buy now from Prime Video, iTunes, Microsoft Store and other digital retailers.

It will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on April 17.

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