Macri and rivals launch campaign ads for presidential election

Argentina's President Mauricio Macri gestures as he gives a speech during a state dinner at the Centro Cultural Kirchner, in Buenos Aires

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his rivals in the October election launched their campaign ads on local TV on Sunday, targeting undecided voters who will be key to choosing whether his policies remain in place another four years.

Macri's campaign, which has been hit hard by the country's economic crisis, highlighted the public works and infrastructure projects started in his administration. "It's going from abandonment to building a new reality every day," Macri said in the campaign ad.

Macri's chief rival, Alberto Fernandez, who is running on a ticket with former leftist president Cristina Fernandez, describes himself as a "conciliatory" politician and "a normal guy."

"I'm going to bring order to the chaos they're leaving us. We have the strength to do it," Fernandez said in his ad.

Former economy minister Roberto Lavanga is also running, portraying himself as an alternative to Macri and Fernandez and the economic troubles that marked their terms.

"Only you can put an end to this," a voiceover in Lavanga's ad says, showing him walking with his running mate.

If no candidate wins 45% of votes or 40% with a 10-point lead over the runner-up in the Oct. 27 election, a run-off vote between the top two candidates will be held in November.

(Reporting by Eliana Raszewski, translated by Mitra Taj, editing by Chris Reese)