Macron says unclear at what level Iran Paris bomb plot was ordered

French President Emmanuel Macron speaks as he visits Station F startup campus in Paris, France October 9, 2018. Ludovic Marin/Pool via Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday it was not clear whether a foiled attack on an Iranian opposition group in Paris was ordered by the higher echelons of Iranian authorities.

"As you know Iran is sometimes divided in different factions and tensions and so I can't say today whether the will came from the top or from this service or that division," Macron told France 24 television in an interview. "I have no other information at this stage."

France's foreign ministry on Oct. 2 said there was no doubt Iran's intelligence ministry was behind the June plot and froze assets belonging to Tehran's intelligence services and two Iranian nationals.

(Reporting by John Irish; editing by Michel Rose)