I made Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelet inspired by one of his luxury restaurants. It's an easy breakfast that will impress everyone.

I made Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelet inspired by one of his luxury restaurants. It's an easy breakfast that will impress everyone.
  • I recently made Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute smoked salmon omelet.

  • The dish also features fresh herbs and two types of cheese.

  • Ramsay's easy omelet is creamy, indulgent, and packed with rich flavor.

Gordon Ramsay loves a quick dish as much as the rest of us.

Ramsay has a 10-minute pasta that he makes for his family every week, and his 10-minute burger is a barbecue dream.

So when I was searching for an easy but impressive breakfast dish, I knew I could count on the Michelin-starred chef. And I found just that with Ramsay's 10-minute smoked salmon omelet, inspired by one of his luxury restaurants.

Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute smoked salmon omelet is a quicker version of one of his signature dishes at the Savoy Grill in London.

The Savoy Hotel in London
Ramsay's Savoy Grill restaurant is located at the luxury Savoy Hotel in London. Dave Rushen/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

"Omelette Arnold Bennett was created for the famous novelist of that name by the chef at the Savoy Hotel in London almost a hundred years ago, and it's still on our menu at the Savoy Grill today, not just because of the history, but also because it's totally delicious," the Michelin-starred chef writes in his cookbook, "Ramsay in 10."

Ramsay notes that while the traditional Omelette Arnold Bennett features fresh smoked haddock poached in milk and topped with béchamel sauce, he's updated the dish to make it "lighter and quicker, but no less tasty."

I love celebrating the weekend with an indulgent brunch dish, so I couldn't wait to whip up Ramsay's recipe. Let's get cooking!

Ramsay's 10-minute omelet features smoked salmon, herbs, and two types of cheese.

Ingredients for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
Ingredients for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute smoked salmon omelet. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

To make Ramsay's smoked salmon omelet, which serves two, you'll need:

  • 4 large eggs, plus 2 egg yolks

  • 4 ounces of smoked or regular cheddar cheese

  • 3 ½ ounces of smoked salmon pieces

  • 1 bay leaf

  • ½ stick of butter

  • ¼ cup of cream cheese

  • 3 ½ tablespoons of whole milk

  • 3 ½ tablespoons of heavy cream

  • 1 tablespoon of chopped dill

  • 1 teaspoon of miniature capers (for serving)

  • 1 teaspoon of chopped chives (for serving)

  • A pinch of nutmeg

  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

I should note I skipped the miniature capers and still loved all the flavor in this dish, so feel free to remove or include them according to your preference.

I got started by preheating the broiler and prepping my ingredients.

Chopping ingredients for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
My chopped dill and chives for Ramsay's 10-minute omelet. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

I chopped the dill and chives and sliced my smoked salmon into smaller pieces.

Then, I poured the milk into a small saucepan and stirred in the cream cheese.

Making cheese sauce for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
I mixed the milk with the cream cheese and bay leaf in a small saucepan. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

I added the bay leaf and nutmeg, then placed the saucepan over medium heat.

I brought the saucepan to a simmer before grating the cheese.

Grating cheese for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
My grated cheddar cheese. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

I kept an eye on the milk mixture as I grated 4 ounces of cheddar cheese.

I removed the saucepan from the heat and added half of the grated cheddar cheese.

Melt cheese for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
Mixing the cheddar cheese into the milk mixture. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

I stirred until the cheese had melted, per Ramsay's instructions.

I poured the mixture into a bowl and whisked in the two egg yolks.

Whisking eggs for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
My cheese sauce for Ramsay's 10-minute omelet. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

My cheese sauce was ready!

Then, I placed a small frying pan over medium heat.

Melting butter for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
Melting butter for Ramsay's omelet. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

I added the half-stick of butter in knobs so it would melt quicker.

While the butter was melting, I cracked my four whole eggs into a bowl.

Whisking eggs for Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
Whisking my whole eggs with heavy cream. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

I whisked them together with the heavy cream.

I poured my eggs into the pan and cooked them for three minutes.

Making Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
I cooked the eggs over medium heat. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

Per Ramsay's advice, I regularly stirred the eggs with a spatula as they cooked.

I removed my pan from the heat and folded in the smoked salmon and dill.

Adding salmon to Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
Adding smoked salmon and dill to the eggs. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

Don't forget to season with salt and pepper!

I poured the cheese sauce over my eggs and sprinkled the remaining cheddar cheese on top.

Adding cheese to Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelette
My omelet was ready to go into the oven.Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

Ramsay recommends dividing the omelet between two heatproof serving dishes before adding the cheese sauce and placing it under the broiler, but I just used my frying pan, and it did the trick.

I let my omelet sit under the broiler until the cheese began to color, then sprinkled my chopped chives on top before serving.

Ramsay's 10-minute omelet was delicious and instantly wowed my boyfriend.

Gordon Ramsay's 10-minute omelet
Ramsay's 10-minute smoked salmon omelet. Anneta Konstantinides/Business Insider

When I told my boyfriend Peter I was going to make us a 10-minute omelet, he asked the question many of you were probably thinking at the start of this article: Why would I spend 10 minutes making one of the easiest breakfast dishes?

Ramsay's recipe requires a bit more work than your traditional omelet — and, full transparency, it took me a bit longer than 10 minutes because I'm not the quickest of chefs — but it truly delivers in taste.

The perfect ratio of smoked salmon, cheese, and eggs delivers a bite that is light and fluffy rather than dense and cloying, and the dash of herbs helps balance all that creamy, cheesy goodness. Even Peter was blown away by the dish, which he said was "exploding with flavor."

If you're looking for a weekend brunch dish to dazzle your family and friends or just want a fun and luxurious breakfast, Ramsay's 10-minute smoked salmon omelet is a great way to start your day.

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