Malaysia’s alternative education provider Me.reka raises US$380K in crowdfunding via pitchIN

Malaysia’s alternative education provider Me.reka raises US$380K in crowdfunding via pitchIN

Me.reka provides a platform for creative entrepreneurs to find the talent they need, and gives students the opportunity to work on real-world, industry-centric projects with a client, deadline, budget and team

Mere.ka, an alternative education provider in Malaysia, has exceeded its crowdfunding target by raising MR1.6 million (US$380,000) from 121 impact investors through ECF platform pitchIN.

The company was originally targeting to raise MR1 million.

Me.reka follows an impact-driven education model, designed to build 21st century mindsets. Entrepreneurship and income-generating skills are core to Me.reka programmes, which befits the freelance economy. Basically, Me.reka provides a platform for creative entrepreneurs to find the talent they need, and gives students the opportunity to work on real-world, industry-centric projects with a client, deadline, budget and team.

The company’s model model combines project-based learning programmes, relevant online and offline tools, industry partnerships, with trainers that build growth mindset amongst the youth. The programmes cover areas of IoT, coding & programming, rapid prototyping, sustainability, alternative energy, etc.

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Me.reka programmes are run from the learning centre in Publika in Kuala Lumpur and various other centres in Malaysia.

Me.reka is a brainchild of Biji-biji Initiative, a social enterprise in Malaysia.

Rashvin Singh, CEO of Me.reka, said: “We’re overwhelmed with the love we received from investors. Not only have we raised the capital we need to expand, the process of doing that through ECF has resulted in an army of evangelists for our cause. Our investors are not passive, they are actively helping us to realise the dream of making education more immersive, yet anchored in our principles of sustainability, creativity and innovation. This means that we have been entrusted and empowered by conscientious people who are determined to witness change in the way we learn, acquire knowledge and engage each other as well as the world around us.”

Sam Shafie, CEO of pitchIN, said: “Equity crowdfunding is an alternative funding service and we thought that it was great that an alternative education venture planned to raise money through equity crowdfunding. We were happy to assist them (Me.reka). We looked at their business plans and we found that Me.reka was actually a very god business proposition. The Me.reka team was not only helping youths and others to become familiar with new ways of building things, it was a very sustainable and profitable business. We helped them to get their investment offer and related documents in order and got down to marketing it.”

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