Malaysia will be laughing stock of the world over Allah issue, says DAP

DAP desak Kementerian Pendidikan siasat pelajar cemerlang gagal ke IPTA

Malaysia is on the road to being the laughing stock of the world with Putrajaya's political solution of having two sets of laws for Christians in East and West Malaysia.

DAP national vice-chair Teresa Kok (pic) said having two sets of law was not just ridiculous, but also unacceptable.

She was referring to the Allah issue where, after the Court of Appeal banned the word in the Bahasa Malaysia section of the Catholic weekly, Herald. Putrajaya maintained that its 10-point solution still stands, meaning that the word can be used by Christians in the Borneo states in worship and publications.

On Monday, the Court of Appeal ruled that the Herald was not allowed to use the word Allah as it was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice.

However, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Joseph Kurup yesterday clarified saying the Cabinet had decided that there will be no restrictions on Christians in Sabah and Sarawak using the word Allah in worship and in Bahasa Malaysia bibles.

To this, Kok asked, "Is the Cabinet not aware that many churches in West Malaysia conduct their services in Bahasa Malaysia where the word Allah is used in the hymns and bibles?

"How is it possible that Joseph Kurup is not aware that church services in West Malaysia are attended by Christians who are Orang Asli, Sarawakians, Sabahans and even some Indonesians?

"What does the government expect these churches to do?"

In her statement, the Seputeh MP also said the government was no doubt trying to carry out damage control after the court's decision.

She added that Putrajaya's solution was merely a political strategy to retain its support in its two "safe deposit" states.

"What the government leaders ought to have done earlier was not to appeal the 2009 High Court decision. It ought to have realised the word Allah is an integral part of Christian faith and practice," said Kok.

She said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak cannot remain quiet on this issue and that he should be stating his stand.

"Is Najib aware that the Court of Appeal's decision can have implications on the Sikh community as the Sikh scriptures use the word Allah 37 times?" she asked.

"DAP stands firm with our stand that Christians should be allowed to use the word Allah and yesterday opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had reiterated Pakatan Rakyat's stand that non-Muslims can refer to God as Allah."

Kok said the government should not repeat its mistake of challenging the issue when the Catholic Church appeals the matter at the Federal Court. – October 18, 2013.