Man fined $3,000 for sending female police officer obscene photos, insulting message
SINGAPORE — A man who sent obscene images and a vulgar message to a female police inspector in response to a reminder of an outstanding traffic offence was fined $3,000 on Wednesday (30 September).
Muhamad Idris Kairudin, 34, sent the officer – an officer-in-charge of the Warrant Investigation Team of Traffic Police – two images featuring an unknown person’s lower body clad in underwear through WhatsApp.
He pleaded guilty in the State Courts to one count of making an insulting communication to the female public servant on 30 May this year.
On 29 May, the officer sent a reminder to Idris via a WhatsApp message on his outstanding notice of traffic offence with the Traffic Police.
The next day, at about 12.24am, Idris replied to the officer with a message containing two pictures of a person’s lower body dressed in underwear, along with the message, “You crazy like P***y…. So, what if you are traffic police.... Kiss My B**ls you want?”.
The officer lodged a police report on 3 June. Idris was arrested on later that day for the offence of transmitting obscene material and his handphone was seized. He admitted to his offence.
When asked for his mitigation, Idris said he had nothing to say.
He told the court that he had no money to pay as he had just started work two weeks ago. He will serve two weeks’ jail in default of his fine.
Idris could have been jailed up to a year and/or fined up to $5,000 for an insulting communication to a public servant.
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