Man wanted over £25m Tamara Ecclestone burglary arrested in Serbia

A man wanted over burglaries including a £25m raid on Tamara Ecclestone's mansion has been arrested in Serbia.

The suspect in his 50s was held in Belgrade, alongside five others, on suspicion of money laundering.

Ecclestone had cash, jewellery and gems stolen from her London home in December 2019 while she was in Lapland with her family.

It is one of the UK's biggest-ever domestic burglaries.

The gang also targeted ex-footballer Frank Lampard and the late owner of Leicester City, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, during a fortnight-long crime spree.

Three Italian nationals were jailed in 2021 after pleading guilty but one suspect, Daniel Vukovic, fled the UK.

Ecclestone put up a £250,000 reward for information leading to his arrest - as well as £6m if her valuables were recovered.

The daughter of former Formula 1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone said last year she was "going Mel Gibson style from the movie Ransom" to recover the items after only a pair of earrings had been recovered.

"This man thinks he can ride off into the sunset with all the spoils from robbing my family and I," she added.

Vukovic is believed to use multiple aliases and was named in court as the suspected fourth member of the gang.

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Metropolitan Police did not name the man arrested on Wednesday, but said: "Six people have been arrested in Serbia as part of an international money laundering investigation involving Met officers.

"One of the men, aged in his 50s, was wanted by detectives investigating a series of high value burglaries committed in Kensington and Chelsea in December 2019.

"The men were arrested in Belgrade by Serbian authorities on Wednesday December 20, supported by the Met and the National Crime Agency."