Manhunt after chemical attack on two boys at London Tube station

British Transport Police released CCTV images of people they wish to speak to  (British Transport Police )
British Transport Police released CCTV images of people they wish to speak to (British Transport Police )

A manhunt has been launched after a suspected corrosive substance was thrown on two boys at an east London underground station.

British Transport Police have now released CCTV images of three people after the two victims reported having a liquid thrown towards them at Elm Park station just after 8pm on Saturday.

They attended hospital but their injuries are not believed to be life-threatening or life-changing.

Officers believe the people in the images - two men and a woman - may have information that could help with the investigation.

Investigating officer Detective Inspector Marvin Bruno said: “Violence in any form will not be tolerated on the rail network and we would like to reassure the travelling public that our officers are working tirelessly to identify and apprehend those responsible.

Two boys had a corrosive liquid thrown at them in Elm Park underground station (British Transport Police)
Two boys had a corrosive liquid thrown at them in Elm Park underground station (British Transport Police)

“We are really keen to speak to the people in the images, or anyone else who witnessed the incident, as we believe they have information which could help our investigation.

“If you know them or have any information that might help, please get in touch.”

The incident comes just a month after a mother-of-two was doused with a corrosive chemical in a harrowing attack in Clapham, leaving her two children and six other officers and people injured.

The body of Abdul Ezedi, the main suspect, was recovered from the River Thames after a national manhunt. It is believed that he threw the chemical over his former girlfriend after their relationship broke down.

Anyone with information about the above incident at Elm Park station is asked to contact the British Transport Police by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 803 of 24/02/24, or by contacting Crimestoppers anonymously.